Pat Dixon Punched Stupid Geno In The Face


He mocked Opie for being “the boss” and his way of negotiating. AntH can’t even be an adult and decide what to do with a basic altercation, only involving two people. He couldn’t handle a multi million dollar radio show with multiple employees. He’s a faggot liar, who continually makes Opie look better as time goes by. Which is retardedly hard to do.
Neither of them could run a show. The fact that Danny was employed for so long is evidence enough

Mr Ass


Still spreading the O&A virus
Say what you want about Opie, he did run the show for 20 years. Anthony is the one who ruined it because he couldn’t behave. It’s one of the few things the tard actually managed to do.
Danny was only employed because Anthony kept him around. The second Danny was no longer under Anthony's protection he was fired right and left from various jobs. And then brought into a mental institution for self harm or whatever. Everyone hated Danny and likely wanted to see him fired. Even Patrice knew that Danny was unstable and laughed at him on air.

One of the deals that O&A had at XM and Sirius was that they basically were not in charge of hiring people. And that they were generally restricted from hiring females as well. They also had tons of problems with interns over the years that lead to management hovering over them. Probably one of the reasons Anthony fought for Danny was to he could tell Opie "see I care about the show and fighting for the show". But in reality he just wanted another flunkie around him who would cover up his homosexual tendencies.

The list of people on the show who either were fired or quit was pretty large. Plus almost every intern from the show hates their association with the show. Anthony was fired for being a queer. Opie was fired for filming someone shitting. Ben Sparks fired over spitting on a Stern fan during the walkover. Steve C fired because management hated his violence against women promos and wanted to punish O&A by firing their executive producer. Danny fired for hiring a porn star to come to a corporate event as his plus one. Intern Noah quit and almost got O&A fired because they smeared shit on his shoes. Master Po fired for many offenses including stalking female guests and having felons into the studio. Roland fired and rehired even though he hated working for O&A. Pat Duffy was fired by management and blocked from being hired as an employee during his internship. Simple Mike quit during his internship and complained about mistreatment. Blind Stevie revealed on air that staff assaulted him and got all interns taken away from O&A for a year.

That place was a nuthouse. Looking back it is a wonder that they were not fired years before they were.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt

These will never stop being funny.
