Pat diiiiiiips below 47k followers

Apologies for stealing Mews' thunder for tomorrow's Report, but I would like to mock Rick Sean Thomas for losing almost 500 followers over the last two days. Meanwhile, Gregg Opie Hughes still has more than 200,000 followers


Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
He wants that 50K so badly and he thought the momentum of January's pity party thread and February's Ukraine hysteria would carry him there. Much like Sisyphus that boulder is rolling back downhill.
Right now, Pig is terrified Twitter might crack down on inactive accounts, if his true number of engaged followers ever hit sunlight, he'd never live down the shame.


Right now, Pig is terrified Twitter might crack down on inactive accounts, if his true number of engaged followers ever hit sunlight, he'd never live down the shame.
Patrick’s follower count is easily 50% dead or inactive accounts. That’s why he fought so hard to keep Stealthygeek. There’s no chance he could ever get back to 10k followers if he has to start from scratch.