Pat denying reality is fascinating

These people seem to believe that because they're "good guys" that means that whatever they say is true and whatever "bad guys" say is false. If one of us said the sky is blue, you'd have several retards coming in with some moronic explanation of why that isn't the case.
This is the answer. People like Pat think have been so infantilized in their thought process that they see legality as an extension of morality, and morality is an extention of your political beliefs. That logic can be used to excuse any behavior (e.g., looting and rioting "but for a good cause").

When Pat says he doesnt owe debt, its because he shouldnt have to owe anything because he's a good boy.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He's a pathological liar. The "don't let the idiots win," mantra completely fucked up his brain. He won't admit to anything that makes him look bad. I wonder who these idiots are that Mama Raven was talking about? I wonder if it was concerning Patrick's teachers?
The plot twist is he is the idiot and keeps self-sabotaging.
This is the answer. People like Pat think have been so infantilized in their thought process that they see legality as an extension of morality, and morality is an extention of your political beliefs. That logic can be used to excuse any behavior (e.g., looting and rioting "but for a good cause").

When Pat says he doesnt owe debt, its because he shouldnt have to owe anything because he's a good boy.


They use the ol’ Joe Cumia defense where anything damning is a manipulated photo from Imgur.

If you send them a URL to a government website then it “might have viruses” or something equally retarded.

For me, it’s really just about getting his ballwashers to keep responding so that Pat has more records to CorrecT
That's his defense of convicted pedophile and Facebook friend Dominic Franchetti.

He's just applying the genetic fallacy to any criticism of him whatsoever. Anyone who would present evidence against him, like video of him vandalizing his property, is a cyberstalker, and any evidence originating from cyberstalkers is invalid.

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
I’ve noticed “legal expert” Hacky Jackie has been silent on the whole situation. All day she tweets about people going to jail and court decisions yet this one she’s stumped!
Wacky Jackie now sees the outcome of fucking with us, and her last two brain cells rubbed together and she’s figured out keeping her feed snout closed is her best option. She definitely doesent have the money to file a LOLsuit.


Stand Alone Fruit
Wacky Jackie now sees the outcome of fucking with us, and her last two brain cells rubbed together and she’s figured out keeping her feed snout closed is her best option. She definitely doesent have the money to file a LOLsuit.
She doesn’t even make claims about us being dangerous criminals doing illegal things anymore like she did when she first starting attacking us. Now she just calls us “morons” (even though we call ourselves all kinds of shit) and being a moron isn’t illegal!

Some rascal has the name “prison regretter” and she took that as 100% fact because she doesn’t understand people saying goofy shit on the internet. Plus she’s fat.


Give Me Some Money
People have been conditioned to embrace whataboutism on a massive level. Accepting the faults of anyone on "your team" is highly frowned upon.

Threatening to kill his own daughter? His impending imprisonment after behind held in contempt? WELL WELL WELL What about the January 6th insurrectionists!??!?!?!?!? What about Desantis!?!?!?!??! What about the literal Nazis who threaten our democracy!?!??!?!

Then you're focused on the important issues, not the unimportant ones like Patrick going to jail for disobeying the law.
I came across something like that earlier today on Reddit.

The post that this one replies to.