"Our friends are of high enough moral character..."


Getting my rocks off. Emptying my boulders.

Are they? Nice replying to 3 day old tweets, stupid.


Seems like ol Dominic was recently arrested for being a fugitive from California. Good news is he's a svelt 410 pounds!



(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Seems like ol Dominic was recently arrested for being a fugitive from California. Good news is he's a svelt 410 pounds!

wheelchair bound to boot


Life of my story
Seems like ol Dominic was recently arrested for being a fugitive from California. Good news is he's a svelt 410 pounds!

Nice find.
Leslie is blocked and she didn't tag him at all. He'd have no way to know she even said this if he wasn't stalking her.
One of the times Pat got banned from Twitter was because he was obsessively replying to everything Dan Mullen and @Agatha1817 (I think) were tweeting. Everyone kept reporting him for Harassment and eventually he got banned. If he's replying to everything Leslie tweets it might be time to start reporting him again.

Edit: checking the archives, this is also when he got his alt account @PatrickSTomlin1 permanently banned, which it still is.
How often do you think Ricky checks in on queen Les from behind the block? Daily?
Without a doubt. The old bitch got in his fat head better than anyone else. On paper, she should have been a perfect ally, fag/nig/fem/twitter loving literary agent, but she's clearly had some life experiences that made her sniff out his BS within a day