Only boomers rant about electric cars


Like old people complaining about computers in 1990. "Too expensive". "Not as efficient as bla bla bla". Shut up idiots, whatever kinks you think you see will be sorted out in the long run. Have some vision and foresight, stupid.
Electric cars suck because they’re modern cars. They’re built to cease function in under a decade and they are designed with a subscription based future in mind. They’re meant for modern European society where you won’t be able to go above the speed limit and will have breathalyzers installed in them.

They’re for fat faggots

The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
EVs are coal powered, and will remain so unless nuclear plants start popping up like Starbucks did. I'm sure that wouldn't be a safety risk at all.

Biodiesel can be made from algae. Most regular diesel vehicles can use it. It requires no use of farmland, and little water. A lot of research was put into it, but the oil companies killed it before it could be advanced to the point that it became affordable at the pump.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Like old people complaining about computers in 1990. "Too expensive". "Not as efficient as bla bla bla". Shut up idiots, whatever kinks you think you see will be sorted out in the long run. Have some vision and foresight, stupid.
Electric cars aren't the answer. You can't top off and go, you cannot go cross country in a reasonable amount of time, their performance are impacted by weather. Hydrogen powered cars are the answer, but at this time they are a bit explody right now.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Electrics are fine for urbanite bugman scum. 125cc motorbikes are even better.

There's no affordable replacement for 3/4 or 1 ton pickups. Hook a trailer up and make an 8 hour round trip to get a vehicle or tractor. Not happening with an electric.

Without (((government))) subsidies, the whole EV and home solar gimmick collapses. Its another kike scam using approved kike (((science))) to rip off goyim and create investment bubbles for kikery.

Shoah now #111 death to jews
My buddy just spent 50 grand on solar power for his house. Wtf I'll live a lifetime and not spend 50 grand in electric power. Where are the savings?!


The floor is lava, dude.
Who gives a shit about "the environment"? If a majority of puppet media figures and politicians are trying to spearhead it as a serious issue, then is it really an issue that deserves focus in the first place?


Please, Mr Government take all my money to build more roads and bridges.
I can't live without a ton of metal and glass to keep me safe from the outside world.
It's a literal pod to restrict me and take my money but it has shiny wheels so it's good.
The bigger the motor the better I feel about myself.
I hope I don't die when my pod smashes into an oncoming pod.
There are pods in front of me making me angry but soon I will be the pod in front.
I can fill my 12 pod cupholders with bottles because I spend lots of time inside my pod.
I can get my fat fuck face stuffed with fat fuck food without getting out of my pod.
Nooooo! I can't park my pod near enough to the giant shop filled with shit I want to buy! Going drive home instead.
I worry about where I leave my pod because I am reliant on it to live.
My pod needs constant attention and maintenance that I pay another man to perform.
Part of my house is a small house for my pod because being outside is bad for it.
My pod needs replacing when it either costs too much, falls apart, or I simply feel insecure.
My neighbor has an old pod he says he is restoring. I will also die of diabetes and/or loneliness.

Cars of any power are for cucks.
In fact it does, but that's why I made the computer comparison and brought up foresight. Look at how much batteries have improved in the past 20 years. With an old battery your current phone would take hours to charge, and it would drain in less than an hour.

Regarding the environment, that stuff will be solved with nuclear energy.
That's not foresight that's optimism that somebody else will figure it out, my dude.


Electric cars suck because they’re modern cars. They’re built to cease function in under a decade and they are designed with a subscription based future in mind. They’re meant for modern European society where you won’t be able to go above the speed limit and will have breathalyzers installed in them.

They’re for fat faggots
That has nothing to do with the cars being electric. That’s just everything now.


My buddy just spent 50 grand on solar power for his house. Wtf I'll live a lifetime and not spend 50 grand in electric power. Where are the savings?!
Depends where you live. I just spent $18k on a solar installation and calculated that it’s going to pay off before the end of year 5. I would have got more but I have a rowhouse so the roof isn’t very big. The power companies have requirements to use a certain percentage of renewable electricity and since they can’t build enough of the shit themselves they have to buy credits from people or companies that make their own.


Lithium Wars will start soon. Afghanistan has some of the largest lithium deposits in the world, so there will be issues there.
The fact that we didn't exploit them for all they have in the 20 fucking years we were there makes me wonder how smart the likes of dick cheney actually are.