Only boomers rant about electric cars

I'm not a boomer and have issues with them. They're definitely not the future, hydrogen is. Or more practically, hybrids.

Lithium Wars will start soon. Afghanistan has some of the largest lithium deposits in the world, so there will be issues there. Not everyone has the ability to charge at home, where it makes the most sense to charge.

I don't have a problem with you aRTie, because you're not a petrol guy.

Hydrogen might be an alternative, but the technological infrastructure for an EV society is more advanced today (though we will need more nuclear energy). I guess it remains to be seen.

About access to charging though. Nothing stops people from going to a station, just like they do now.


I don't have a problem with you aRTie, because you're not a petrol guy.

Hydrogen might be an alternative, but the technological infrastructure for an EV society is more advanced today (though we will need more nuclear energy). I guess it remains to be seen.

About access to charging though. Nothing stops people from going to a station, just like they do now.
Look I'm no expert but there's just no way stopping at a station to charge an electric car is the same as stopping to fill a gas tank. I'd imagine it takes alot more time.

Electric cars are gay as shit. They'll do more damage to the environment with all the bullshit they'll have to put in place to change everything over and install new technology. Then it will be "oh shit this is actually bad! We need to tear this all down for something else!" 20 years from now. Nobody fucking knows.

I have to keep my phone, laptop, weed pen, headphones, headphone charger all charged already. Enough.
Look I'm no expert but there's just no way stopping at a station to charge an electric car is the same as stopping to fill a gas tank. I'd imagine it takes alot more time.

In fact it does, but that's why I made the computer comparison and brought up foresight. Look at how much batteries have improved in the past 20 years. With an old battery your current phone would take hours to charge, and it would drain in less than an hour.

Regarding the environment, that stuff will be solved with nuclear energy.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
In fact it does, but that's why I made the computer comparison and brought up foresight. Look at how much batteries have improved in the past 20 years. With an old battery your current phone would take hours to charge, and it would drain in less than an hour.
Typical kike environmental nonsense propaganda. Zyklon yourself, faggot.


Get up here and shut up!
I don't have a problem with electric cars themselves, but more of the hypocritical attitude of them being emission free thus "guilt" free. Fossil fuels are still being burned somewhere for the most part to charge them, and "clean" energy requires clear-cutting large swaths of woods to make solar fields. If CO2 is such a concern, why cut down acres of trees and plant life while also displacing a shitload of wildlife in the process? Anybody driving one and patting themselves on the back need to swallow glass.
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I don't have a problem with electric cars themselves, but more of the hypocritical attitude of them being emission free thus "guilt" free. Fossil fuels are still being burned somewhere to charge them, and "clean" energy requires clear-cutting large swaths of woods to make solar fields. If CO2 is such a concern, why cut down acres of trees and plant life while also displacing a shitload of wildlife in the process. Anybody driving one and patting themselves on the back need to swallow glass.

Nuclear power is a way around all fossil fuel.


Get up here and shut up!
Nuclear power is a way around all fossil fuel.
Of course, but the same faggots complaining about the need for clean energy are also all for shutting down nuclear power. A plant by me which has been in operation trouble free since the 70's is being decommissioned. Hasn't there also been a freeze on licenses to build new nuclear plants in the US since the 90's?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
In fact it does, but that's why I made the computer comparison and brought up foresight. Look at how much batteries have improved in the past 20 years. With an old battery your current phone would take hours to charge, and it would drain in less than an hour.

Regarding the environment, that stuff will be solved with nuclear energy.
Ok, but do you really think shitholes like China, India, and Africa will get on board with that? I went to a wedding in India in 2018 and you still buy gasoline in a big plastic water bottle. Until those countries start doing something, or facing some consequences for their failure to develop/failure to follow the same rules we’re all told to follow, how’s it gonna matter?

Sorry if this is a boomer take


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Both you and me will zip around in electric cars in 10-15 years NigSam. Just accept it. :image_9249:
Electrics are fine for urbanite bugman scum. 125cc motorbikes are even better.

There's no affordable replacement for 3/4 or 1 ton pickups. Hook a trailer up and make an 8 hour round trip to get a vehicle or tractor. Not happening with an electric.

Without (((government))) subsidies, the whole EV and home solar gimmick collapses. Its another kike scam using approved kike (((science))) to rip off goyim and create investment bubbles for kikery.

Shoah now #111 death to jews


I don't have a problem with you aRTie, because you're not a petrol guy.

Hydrogen might be an alternative, but the technological infrastructure for an EV society is more advanced today (though we will need more nuclear energy). I guess it remains to be seen.

About access to charging though. Nothing stops people from going to a station, just like they do now.
Idk man. I enjoy filling my 40 mpg car with fuel in less than 5 minutes and get over 200 miles with zero issue and fill up again in 3 minutes if I needed to.

Too many proprietary things go into EVs unlike regular gasoline cars. Not even a set standard cable for it yet.
Electrics are fine for urbanite bugman scum. 125cc motorbikes are even better.

There's no affordable replacement for 3/4 or 1 ton pickups. Hook a trailer up and make an 8 hour round trip to get a vehicle or tractor. Not happening with an electric.

Without (((government))) subsidies, the whole EV and home solar gimmick collapses. Its another kike scam using approved kike (((science))) to rip off goyim and create investment bubbles for kikery.

Shoah now #111 death to jews
The whole point is likely to get people off of cars completely. EVs are expensive, and the grid can’t support them at a larger scale. The batteries will improve, but they’ll still need to be replaced, and I bet that will be prohibitive as well. We would need nuclear to build out the infrastructure, but the people against fossil fuels are against nuclear as well, so then what?

Fewer cars means more people on public transportation, which means more people packed into already densely populated areas. Centralized population means more centralized control.
Take the train. Live in your pod. Eat your bugs.