One of Pig’s Worst Ever Moments


Stand Alone Fruit
If you’re clean and reliable, you can find a job in one day. If you’re tall and decent looking. There are so many drunks and drug users in those jobs that turnover is constant. Take a decent bartender class and iron your clothes and you’ll be a star.
I did it years ago but wish I had done it when younger because you can actually do well. I know guys that got good college degrees that just kept bartending because the money is good. I knew guys that could work a night club 2 nights a week and come home with 1200-1500 easy


He had been bartending in AC casinos for a while but also was a good looking guy (no diddy) which helps get hired as a “model bartender” - think with the nightclubs they usually are run by a third party (not the casino) that handle all the major nightclubs. Sometimes they have them do the night club 2-3 nights (that’s all they’re are open - usually Friday & Saturday and maybe a Wednesday “industry night” etc) and have them do a shift or two at one of the casino bars or even doing the service bar which is the drinks the cocktail girls get. I bartended in AC casinos years ago and it was fun and if you in a good spot you could really make money.
My first job out of college had to negotiate with me because I made more waiting tables than they offered. They wanted me to travel and I wouldn’t give up the money I was making just to travel and wear a suit.


Stand Alone Fruit
My first job out of college had to negotiate with me because I made more waiting tables than they offered. They wanted me to travel and I wouldn’t give up the money I was making just to travel and wear a suit.
That’s how I became a bartender - I was managing a bar & grille at an Atlantic City Casino and my bartenders all told me they work less than me yet make money and I should bartend instead. They were right and bartending was so much more fun.


That’s how I became a bartender - I was managing a bar & grille at an Atlantic City Casino and my bartenders all told me they work less than me yet make money and I should bartend instead. They were right and bartending was so much more fun.
I hated waiting tables after high school and college but I had already committed to a mortgage so I did it for 2 extra years. I made a lot of cat friends though. Every cat in the neighborhood came out to sniff my pants and shoes.


The gunslinger.
I have a few bartender / service industry people in my social circle and they’re all broke as shit. I’d say one benefit is they have much more sociable lifestyles than I do and know many more people but they’re as miserable (or more) as I am in my office 60hrs a week.

I deal with customers about 3 times a year, and it’s about tech integration stuff and I basically need to listen to them complain so they have their pound of flesh when they renegotiate with the account executive guys. Fuck dealing with the general public. I did it when I was in my early 20s and I’d avoid it at all costs now. I wouldn’t work a service industry job for 300k a year, money isn’t everything. I’d rather drive a truck than do that if I couldn’t just be sat on a thinkpad behind my desk every day.


Life of my story
I once had a professor who had just left NYC. She had been working there as a restaurant server while she finished her PhD. She was young and very attractive and I always imagined fat idiots like Patrick who would probably look down on her intelligence, class, etc. and treat her like shit simply because she worked in food service.

She was super smart and generally a bad ass, everything Patrick fantasizes himself to be except with a strong work ethic and dedication to educating future generations to boot. She was also raising two kids through all that.

In short, fuck this self-absorbed, delusional, fat piece of shit.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
I once had a professor who had just left NYC. She had been working there as a restaurant server while she finished her PhD. She was young and very attractive and I always imagined fat idiots like Patrick who would probably look down on her intelligence, class, etc. and treat her like shit simply because she worked in food service.

She was super smart and generally a bad ass, everything Patrick fantasizes himself to be except with a strong work ethic and dedication to educating future generations to boot. She was also raising two kids through all that.

In short, fuck this self-absorbed, delusional, fat piece of shit.
She sounds insufferable tbh
I did it years ago but wish I had done it when younger because you can actually do well. I know guys that got good college degrees that just kept bartending because the money is good. I knew guys that could work a night club 2 nights a week and come home with 1200-1500 easy
Used to date a Brazilian girl who made 1 k a night at club exit in NYC in the very early 2000s. I know these are exceptions, especially in today's economy, but people like Fat don't understand some waiters/esses can provide for their families better than wage slave jobs. Closet racist Pat sees the industry for Mexicans and white trash, never stopping for one second to consider not everyone married an STD-laden trust fund baby.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
He deserves every bad thing that has ever happened to him. I hope that faggot pet lizard of his is burning in the fiery pits of hell.
It's difficult to get a job as a server in high end steak houses. It's a very desirable job because you have the potential to make a lot of money (many of them make six figures a year) and they're very selective about who they hire. Fatso would never get a job at one even if he wanted one because he has no experience and he's an extremely rude, arrogant, condescending, and combative person. He wouldn't even get a job as a bus boy because they wouldn't want him around any customers. He probably wouldn't even get an interview. His resume would be sent to the trash.

The way he thinks he's above everyone because he's been able to avoid getting a real, respectable job/career as his fat ass spills over a bar stool while he sits on his phone all day is pathetic.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
His "Annabelle your family on Thanksgiving" screed is up there for me. Poor woman asks Rick for help so she can make an informed argument with her loving family, Rick cuntily declines and advises her to abandon her family entirely because fags exist. More "toxic" than anything I've ever read here.

Shit like this is why he spends Thanksgiving Day at a bar.



His "Annabelle your family on Thanksgiving" screed is up there for me. Poor woman asks Rick for help so she can make an informed argument with her loving family, Rick cuntily declines and advises her to abandon her family entirely because fags exist. More "toxic" than anything I've ever read here.

Shit like this is why he spends Thanksgiving Day at a bar.

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Pat is truly a Sith. A fat useless one at that.