Official Wire Discussion Thread

I watched it the first time and thought I was a fucking retard because I didn't understand the praise it got. I then rewatched it again thinking I might have missed something to only find out the show is just significantly overrated. One of the shows I recently watched again was Boardwalk Empire and it is so much better.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I watched it the first time and thought I was a fucking retard because I didn't understand the praise it got. I then rewatched it again thinking I might have missed something to only find out the show is just significantly overrated. One of the shows I recently watched again was Boardwalk Empire and it is so much better.
I could not believe when HBO slashed the budget on Boardwalk Empire for its last season. The joy returned when I watched all of my faggot friends cry like children at the end of Game of Thrones though.


I could not believe when HBO slashed the budget on Boardwalk Empire for its last season. The joy returned when I watched all of my faggot friends cry like children at the end of Game of Thrones though.
Same. They really fucked that show over. Nucky is an all time great character. HBO can almost never stick the landing.
It's a well written show, black people are cast for authenticity and not for a box ticking exercise. Almost every character has some kind of arc that resolves itself. It doesn't rush anything. Every season ends with some resolution instead of cheap GoT style cliff hangers. Its funny in enough places, serious when it needs to be and doesn't pass judgement. They'll never make a show like it again.
I like the Sopranos as much as the next brotherman, but it's mostly for the comedy and absurdism. It (and stuff like Breaking Bad) feels pretty cartoonish in comparison to The Wire.

I guess the closest that mob stuff has come to The Wire is the Gomorrah movie from 2008. It deals with the causes of and the fallout from crime rather than glamorizing these seedy pasta niggers.

I haven't seen the show.
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WWAW Cutty being an annoying kid touching faggot with a boring story that went absolutely nowhere.


The Wire and The Shield are two of the best shows of all time, bar none.