Official Wire Discussion Thread

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner

In this last scene from the clip, when the dude was chewing out the shooters

Do you think it was because they didn't get the hit, or because they didn't get Slim's go-ahead

What is fascinating, they say "Slim probably sleeping in", because this dude believed in the Sunday truce that much

Yet, all the heads of the gangs that honored the Sunday truce, were all doing drug business during church hours

Showing that the Sunday truce was for the people they happened to occupy and terrorize with their nonstop drug wars, rather than some kind of respect or deference for the law of religion.


I have a face like a shovel
*in my Black Stand up Comedian voice"

"You know what white people love?......that show "The Wire. White People LOVEEE "the Wire" "

"Also, you ever notice White People drive like this: do dee do dee doo. And Brothers we drive like this: BOOMM CHICK BOOM BOOM"


I have a face like a shovel
also, "The Wire" is one of those shows that you assume all the people in your inner circle have watched, and yet nobody in your inner circle has ever watched it

I've never met another person irl who I can have a conversation with about "The Wire" without them saying "you know- ever never seen that show"'s so weird


Still spreading the O&A virus
The Sheild annoyed me because it was the first show to use that "justified" "Sons of anarchy" editing that I think "Training day" had flashes of and the shitty tv shows just ran with
Unfortunately this was the popular style back then. Handheld shaky cameras and bad lighting to make it feel 'real' and 'gritty'. After Bourne Identity you had a wave of movies that used these quick cut editing styles for all fight scenes where you could not tell what the hell was going on at all. Or like after Matrix where every other movie had bullet time.


it doesn't taste all that good
Yet, all the heads of the gangs that honored the Sunday truce, were all doing drug business during church hours

Showing that the Sunday truce was for the people they happened to occupy and terrorize with their nonstop drug wars, rather than some kind of respect or deference for the law of religion.
The point was to make sure that, even if all of Baltimore was looking for you, you could still visit or take care of family on Sunday. Omar just happened to be taking his granny to church. The Sunday truce wasn't really a religious thing and it didn't mean no crime, just no killing or violence.

But yeah to a degree you are correct, the 'sunday code' is giving some bizarre creedence to a way of life that is essentially scattergun mass murder. like it's the Purge and they all just have to tolerate it because ain't life just a bucket o' worms.


I never got further than season 3. Never made it through that Hamsterdam shit. I got bored.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
The 1st three seasons are great. the 4th was ok, the 5th sucked balls.

the biggest issue is that the show moves at a snails pace. the gay shit was over the top too and this was 20 years ago.


Treme is just as good and in some ways better. The characters are way more relatable than detectives and drug dealers.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
The 1st three seasons are great. the 4th was ok, the 5th sucked balls.

the biggest issue is that the show moves at a snails pace. the gay shit was over the top too and this was 20 years ago.
I did like it that they gave that black nigger lesbian cop, Kita was it?, her last scene was putting Ikea furniture together.

The writers really motherfucked her character.


It's probably the best show that I never want to watch again. Also this scene is fucking embarrassing, and anyone who says it's amazing is a retard (it's the "fuck" scene):
