
back in the day there were fake coupons people used

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Another thing they do is dig in trash for receipts, go into another store and take a new one off the shelf, return it with the trash receipt for cash. They better be wearing mask and hope none of the wageys ask to see ID.
That's another thing they were doing. She told me about that herself later on. She's cleaned up now, but she's still a fucking lunatic. I laughed so fucking hard when my buddy sent me the article about their bust.


I went to Target last Tuesday and it was only self checkout. No cashiers whatsoever, just a fat guy in a tight red t shirt floating around to help people.

It was pfg. There were probably 10 people in front of me and i was checked out in ~3 minutes.

I didn’t steal though. Sorry for car crashing this bit.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Only boomers bitch about self checkout. If I ever stop at a grocery store I always choose self checkout. But I never do big purchases as I get my shit delivert.
I don’t work at the store so I refuse to use it unless it’s much quicker then I can put my thoughts on the matter aside.
I always put a block of cheese in my pocket, only really possible in the winter (wearing a jacket), I always have plenty of cash on me so I'd claim it was an absent-minded error.

The claim 'others have to pay for what gets stolen' is bullshit, there are full teams carefully calculating the price point for each product in a supermarket for maximum profit - things which are cheap are called 'loss leaders' as they attract customers who will also buy more profitable items.

I'd never steal from a small business, but corporations who put the squeeze on farmers & couldn't give a shit about customers are fair game.

Another quick one is just eat; tell them your food arrived cold & they'll refund you - I don't do this to small local restaurants for risk of giving them a bad rep'.

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
If they cared they’d spend more on security to stop it, fuck em.

That said as I am one of the 2% of this forum with white skin I do not steal. I will take the stems off of truss tomatoes and if the idiot teenager at the checkout can’t tell the difference that’s not my problem.