Official Qadan Trievel Memorial Thread - 5 years an angel


The Backbone of America

God's got him.

Edit: I haven't actually watched that video in years and I forgot how hilarious it is when Death just shuts off Uncle Charles.

Chris watched from the bushes as a tall black man in a black hat and trenchcoat slowly walked up to Qadan smeared on the road. The man raised his hand and materialized a shovel. The man then scraped Qadan's ghostly spirit up and walked away with it precariously balanced on the shovel, trying not to drop any.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

This is my favorite "rapping about death" song from the 90s. The chorus is sweet, they do the Matrix bullettime CGI before the Matrix, and there's random cutaways to Tim Robbins! But nah, the internet wants to only remember Gangsta's Paradise.

This is my favorite "rapping about death" song from the 90s. The chorus is sweet, they do the Matrix bullettime CGI before the Matrix, and there's random cutaways to Tim Robbins! But nah, the internet wants to only remember Gangsta's Paradise.

This song was trending in the UK when he died. Mostly because the biggest TV act in the UK did his own cover of it that is the most cringe worthy clip of all time. He was HUGE in the 90s then came out as gay and some fella was bummed to death in his swimming pool so he panicked and hid even though it may not have been his doing.

The talking/rap part is Barrymore talking about his crappy show where they would let random people sing songs in a shopping mall on a stage


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
This song was trending in the UK when he died. Mostly because the biggest TV act in the UK did his own cover of it that is the most cringe worthy clip of all time. He was HUGE in the 90s then came out as gay and some fella was bummed to death in his swimming pool so he panicked and hid even though it may not have been his doing.

The talking/rap part is Barrymore talking about his crappy show where they would let random people sing songs in a shopping mall on a stage

The part where he starts singing along with the groups of black people and walks up to each group individually. Then white people wonder why blacks hate them so much.



Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
i'll never forget reading that shit at work and then staying glued to it on the commute after. I don't know about the other brothermen but I was in disbelief at the insanity of it all