Official O&A 2024 Election Thread

Who wins?

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Graggle Simpson

its that tight shit. shes only 19 homie
biden was unable to bring back obama era club music like kesha, tove lo, beyonce, katy perry, lady gaga, rihanna. he loses my vote


Sue Lightning

Once upon a time I’d see a trump victory as more entertaining. But now? The faggot pretend conservative grifters are much more fun to watch whine about things and to bother on Twitter.
I remember in like 2016 how powerful the whole “Pepe MAGA / blue haired feminist / owning the libs / TRIGGERED” shit was. And at some point in the last 4 years Conservatives just decided to say fuck it and pull the same shit.

Usually whatever party is in power the other one feels victimized. Dems lampooning W., Republicans freaking out about Obama…but Trump is like the first one who caused Republicans to victimize themselves…while they were in power. And now with Biden in the Conservatives have taken it up a notch. No doubt if Trump wins 2024 the victim complex will die down


I predict this thread is gonna be a banger.

Everything sounds good coming from a redneck