NYC stories

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Just moved back down South about a year ago after living up there for seven years. Worked at a few failed startups, got some serious professional experience, made a little money, banged some truly insane women, and met my lovely normie wife, the Dumbest Woman on the Planet. All while being a covert racist hillbilly. It had its moments but it really is just a stinky toilet. Queens is ok


Just moved back down South about a year ago after living up there for seven years. Worked at a few failed startups, got some serious professional experience, made a little money, banged some truly insane women, and met my lovely normie wife, the Dumbest Woman on the Planet. All while being a covert racist hillbilly. It had its moments but it really is just a stinky toilet. Queens is ok
They got that chop chee

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
You flatter us. Where’d you shack up?
I lived in Sunnyside for a while, then Ridgewood. Queens for the most part is the only place in NYC that isn't trashed and miserable, except the rich parts of Brooklyn/south Brooklyn and Staten Island. My wife was living in Park Slope right by Prospect Park when we met and i always enjoyed spending time there, but most of Brooklyn is pretty horrible
I lived in Sunnyside for a while, then Ridgewood. Queens for the most part is the only place in NYC that isn't trashed and miserable, except the rich parts of Brooklyn/south Brooklyn and Staten Island. My wife was living in Park Slope right by Prospect Park when we met and i always enjoyed spending time there, but most of Brooklyn is pretty horrible
NYC is God’s country as my old guniea father used to say. My sisters live in one of the few places in BK that isn’t violent or ridiculously overpriced. That’s funny. We possibly bumped into each other at some point in time.

Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...
One time I was an innocent lad going to see a baseball game. I thought I'd get off the subway a couple blocks early and walk to see some of the city (beautiful Flushing Queens)....some Asian women grabs my arm and says "massage $40!"...I was a bit stressed, had time to kill and thought eh what the hell...once we got in she just reached in my pants and said "you want sex? $40 more!".....well twist my arm why dontcha....only time I got a hooker
Now, that's a solid hard on story, sir! Cheeeeerzzzz


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
One time I was an innocent lad going to see a baseball game. I thought I'd get off the subway a couple blocks early and walk to see some of the city (beautiful Flushing Queens)....some Asian women grabs my arm and says "massage $40!"...I was a bit stressed, had time to kill and thought eh what the hell...once we got in she just reached in my pants and said "you want sex? $40 more!".....well twist my arm why dontcha....only time I got a hooker
Was she hot or some old lady?


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
My dad needed to do something at the Greek consulate in NYC it was my parents my sister and I and some how he got lost getting home and we ended up in the Bronx. We weren't there long at all when cops pulled us over and asked do you know where you are? He knew that in the late 70s early 80s it was bad news for a family to be driving around there. I remember the cop giving us an escort to the freeway to make it home.
I take it you’re a native New Yorker.
No, child. I'm from around the same shithole area as Artie...since my last trip I've never been more serious about leaving. It's just nothing but over educated fags, drug addicts, midget central americans, cocky ass brazilians, and goddamm QUEER-O-SEXUALS (favorite word I learned in SC). It's over for the little guy here.



My aunt lives on the 21st floor of a building in LES and me and my cousin used to throw shit out the window and watched it hit the street. We filled a 3 liter bottle with water and dropped it and immediately heard what sounded like an explosion.

We went downstairs and the scaffolding had a giant hole in it and there was water on the ground. I remember people pointing up and saying "it came from the roof” and me and my little cousin were to relieved that people didn't see which floor it came from.

I spent ever summer there until 2002. Tons of memories.
Stuy Town? Or the places by the river in Alphabet City?


My aunt lives on the 21st floor of a building in LES and me and my cousin used to throw shit out the window and watched it hit the street. We filled a 3 liter bottle with water and dropped it and immediately heard what sounded like an explosion.

We went downstairs and the scaffolding had a giant hole in it and there was water on the ground. I remember people pointing up and saying "it came from the roof” and me and my little cousin were to relieved that people didn't see which floor it came from.

I spent ever summer there until 2002. Tons of memories.
East river houses?