NYC stories

Met a woman at the liquor store once. She kept going on and on about how her husband didn’t care that her mother and father died. I felt so bad for her so I tried to console her. Some lady from Croatia.

We went up to her apartment with the intention of idk probably banging her. Then she’s all like yeah my husband is in the other room. I’m just like’…. What?’ I was a bit bonked so like an idiot I kissed her on the cheek and said goodbye. In retrospect I’m almost certain I was almost murdered by the East European mafia.

I found some Hispanic guy completely drugged out under the elevated tracks. I called him an ambulance and had to repeatedly keep him from walking into traffic until the EMT ambulance drivers arrived. I never saw that dude again.

I accidentally walked into the Queens-bridge Housing projects while staying with a friend. I got a lot of strange looks and almost passed out at a convenience store. I saved a fellow drunk white boy and we both wandered onto the 59th street bridge. Woke up on a park bench in Astoria. Never saw that dude again.
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My aunt lives on the 21st floor of a building in LES and me and my cousin used to throw shit out the window and watched it hit the street. We filled a 3 liter bottle with water and dropped it and immediately heard what sounded like an explosion.

We went downstairs and the scaffolding had a giant hole in it and there was water on the ground. I remember people pointing up and saying "it came from the roof” and me and my little cousin were to relieved that people didn't see which floor it came from.

I spent ever summer there until 2002. Tons of memories.
One time I was an innocent lad going to see a baseball game. I thought I'd get off the subway a couple blocks early and walk to see some of the city (beautiful Flushing Queens)....some Asian women grabs my arm and says "massage $40!"...I was a bit stressed, had time to kill and thought eh what the hell...once we got in she just reached in my pants and said "you want sex? $40 more!".....well twist my arm why dontcha....only time I got a hooker
My aunt lives on the 21st floor of a building in LES and me and my cousin used to throw shit out the window and watched it hit the street. We filled a 3 liter bottle with water and dropped it and immediately heard what sounded like an explosion.

We went downstairs and the scaffolding had a giant hole in it and there was water on the ground. I remember people pointing up and saying "it came from the roof” and me and my little cousin were to relieved that people didn't see which floor it came from.

I spent ever summer there until 2002. Tons of memories.
I must reiterate, Art you are a complete maniac. You still live in NYC?
One time I was an innocent lad going to see a baseball game. I thought I'd get off the subway a couple blocks early and walk to see some of the city (beautiful Flushing Queens)....some Asian women grabs my arm and says "massage $40!"...I was a bit stressed, had time to kill and thought eh what the hell...once we got in she just reached in my pants and said "you want sex? $40 more!".....well twist my arm why dontcha....only time I got a hooker
Flushing hookers are the worst. Not that I would know.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
The stereotype of New Yorkers being assholes is accurate because the city forces you to be. It feels like every one is actively trying to fuck with you at a maximum, or just rip you off at a minimum.

A small example is a lot of the bodegas don't have prices on anything, so the dude decides how much to charge you once you get to counter. I remember one time getting a six pack and asking how much it was. He gave an outlandish number and i just said "No, it isn't" and set the beer in middle of floor and left. I would never in a thousand years behave that way anywhere outside NYC*

*In the United States


One time I was an innocent lad going to see a baseball game. I thought I'd get off the subway a couple blocks early and walk to see some of the city (beautiful Flushing Queens)....some Asian women grabs my arm and says "massage $40!"...I was a bit stressed, had time to kill and thought eh what the hell...once we got in she just reached in my pants and said "you want sex? $40 more!".....well twist my arm why dontcha....only time I got a hooker
Was she at least decent looking?

I must reiterate, Art you are a complete maniac. You still live in NYC?
I only stayed in NYC during summers. I grew up in Boston.
The stereotype of New Yorkers being assholes is accurate because the city forces you to be. It feels like every one is actively trying to fuck with you at a maximum, or just rip you off at a minimum.

A small example is a lot of the bodegas don't have prices on anything, so the dude decides how much to charge you once you get to counter. I remember one time getting a six pack and asking how much it was. He gave an outlandish number and i just said "No, it isn't" and set the beer in middle of floor and left. I would never in a thousand years behave that way anywhere outside NYC
People in the northeast are fucking awful. Godless assholes. It doesn't help that they've been actively driving out working class white people for decades. I just spent a week in South Carolina it was like being in another world. Nobody laying on their horns, no aggressive pissed off drug addicts marching around.... even the niggers down there were just delightful. When I go down there and come back home I'm twice as much of an asshole because when somebody's being a cunt for no reason, I'll immediately ask them what the fuck their problem is.
The stereotype of New Yorkers being assholes is accurate because the city forces you to be. It feels like every one is actively trying to fuck with you at a maximum, or just rip you off at a minimum.

A small example is a lot of the bodegas don't have prices on anything, so the dude decides how much to charge you once you get to counter. I remember one time getting a six pack and asking how much it was. He gave an outlandish number and i just said "No, it isn't" and set the beer in middle of floor and left. I would never in a thousand years behave that way anywhere outside NYC*

*In the United States
The bodega around the corner are nice guys. Funny enough only one of them is Latino. The other two guys are Arabs. Are you from the US originally?
People in the northeast are fucking awful. Godless assholes. It doesn't help that they've been actively driving out working class white people for decades. I just spent a week in South Carolina it was like being in another world. Nobody laying on their horns, no aggressive pissed off drug addicts marching around.... even the niggers down there were just delightful. When I go down there and come back home I'm twice as much of an asshole because when somebody's being a cunt for no reason, I'll immediately ask them what the fuck their problem is.
I take it you’re a native New Yorker.


It's starting to turn around, you're seeing these modern faggot apartment complexes go up by the's too bad all the people moving into them are the biggest cunts you've ever seen
Haven't been back in years but have seen photos.

I remember in the 90s when the city fell into receivership and looked very rough.

I see their talking about putting migrants up in Soldiers Home lol.