Now you know how the guy who first came up the with the dumb abortion trolley problem felt


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
I wasn’t implying you made it up, just to be clear. Really curious who’s leaking Niki’s travel plans and info about when Pat will be home alone. Almost as if he’s setting the stage for another SWAT call.
If you follow the trail backwards, I was saying that Niki will get popped once (joke) because Pat is ornery about a stolen tweet, then leave for the weekend (joke) to the lake house (a thing I’d heard about on here).


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Also remember when Pat was going around local gas stations looking for 'heavily soaked urinal cakes' because they 'taste better than fresh ones'?
One chapter of american psycho that should have been at least a deleted scene in the movie was when bateman gave his girlfriend a urinal cake covered in chocolate and watched her eat it. Out of all the edgelord shit in that book that probably disgusted me the most.


So what fat boy? I’ve had tons of slides ripped off by a bunch of people who tried to pass it off like their own. Did I whine about it like a fairy so the entire company knew how much it hurt my feelings?

No, like a man, I went behind their backs and passive aggressively told everybody that I gave them permission ahead of time to rip my shit without crediting me because I just want to be helpful. I now have a reputation for being a team player. Everybody loves me and they laugh at all my jokes.

Fucking amateur


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
So what fat boy? I’ve had tons of slides ripped off by a bunch of people who tried to pass it off like their own. Did I whine about it like a fairy so the entire company knew how much it hurt my feelings?

No, like a man, I went behind their backs and passive aggressively told everybody that I gave them permission ahead of time to rip my shit without crediting me because I just want to be helpful. I now have a reputation for being a team player. Everybody loves me and they laugh at all my jokes.

Fucking amateur
The idea Pat is still chasing the idea of being a screenwriter and can't even handle a tweet being stolen is hilarious.

FYI, Fatty - If you don't want people to take credit for your work don't get into the movie business.
The idea Pat is still chasing the idea of being a screenwriter and can't even handle a tweet being stolen is hilarious.

FYI, Fatty - If you don't want people to take credit for your work don't get into the movie business.
That's the main thing which chaps his ass and shows he could NEVER handle notable celebrity status. He feels he must control every aspect of how he's perceived and received by the public. Everything negative must be shut down instantly and removed from the media the internet. Imagine if Stephen King or J.K. Rowling replied to every negative message sent and filed frivolous lawsuits against every website which hosted content critical of them. They'd kill their careers.


For reference, this is the original (AFAIK) abortion thought experiment that Patrick plagiarized. Be sure to whip this out any time he complains about joke stealing:

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

It says 2007, but if you open up the PDF, it was actually published in 2006, 11 years before our Pig went viral.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
That's the main thing which chaps his ass and shows he could NEVER handle notable celebrity status. He feels he must control every aspect of how he's perceived and received by the public. Everything negative must be shut down instantly and removed from the media the internet. Imagine if Stephen King or J.K. Rowling replied to every negative message sent and filed frivolous lawsuits against every website which hosted content critical of them. They'd kill their careers.
That’s another reason it’s such a gift that Adrienne took Annabelle away. Pat would 100 percent be one of those “RESPECT MUH AUTHORITAY!” parents who flip their shit if a kid so much as rolls their eyes or refers to them with a pronoun rather than by their name. Annabelle would have been paste by the time she was in preschool. (And Pat would have put pasted Annabelle in the Twinkie maker and hey presto! Bob’s your uncle, she dead.)


The idea Pat is still chasing the idea of being a screenwriter and can't even handle a tweet being stolen is hilarious.

FYI, Fatty - If you don't want people to take credit for your work don't get into the movie business.
It’s not even limited to the film industry, it’s just what happens at work and he’d know this if he ever had an actual job.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
That’s another reason it’s such a gift that Adrienne took Annabelle away. Pat would 100 percent be one of those “RESPECT MUH AUTHORITAY!” parents who flip their shit if a kid so much as rolls their eyes or refers to them with a pronoun rather than by their name. Annabelle would have been paste by the time she was in preschool. (And Pat would have put pasted Annabelle in the Twinkie maker and hey presto! Bob’s your uncle, she dead.)
Annabelle would have been passed between Paul Weimer and Dominic Franchetti until she became a gender confused, self hating teenager, which Pat would then blame on "conservatives".
FYI, Fatty - If you don't want people to take credit for your work don't get into the movie business.
Don't worry. He won't.