Now i'm sobbing like a little girl


Please report all Boq extreme posts, stay vigilant


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I'm envious. I wish I could hear some of these clips and shows for the first time. By the way, this is very Opie heavy but one of my favorite long clips ever.

I’ve listened to this one before because I went through all the Dave and or Earl clips first. I just alternate between YouTube clips and the Mikey Fingers stream on there as well.

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
Whatever happened to Billy Staples? He seemed like a complete fucking retard.
He’s still around. Has a facebook account


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
He has a profile on some website to hire actors. Still trying to make it at 65 years old.
That’s bleak. Why bother after a while? I felt bad when he took that fawkin chick to a Halloween party where he dressed as Meatball Parm Hero and she was kissing other guys all night even though he got a hotel room for them. “Not again…” Everyone calling in to tell on her was fawkin brootal.