Not sure how gay I was.



In my mid 20s I wanted to get back into music and asked my emo friends at the little Indy theater I worked at to recommend bands for me. This is a sample of what I ended up liking. I've seen all of them live. I don't care if I'm repeating myself. Some of us drink alcohol.


Something about bands that you can actually get close to makes me prefer them. Live music is the best.

[MEDIA=youtube]baiwsp_5hvY, list: OLAK5uy_krXX-MQ6korCYLNOi_pdzD4tjosFR5zQ8[/MEDIA]

He (Devandra - above) stayed over at my buddy's apt when he did a show here and played this while we were very high. Great night.

[MEDIA=youtube]UDnmO4cTUGc, list: OLAK5uy_mGp-1f2AMsWo_HHkyDYb-d4EIHN2aTroA[/MEDIA]




Soft shit in the morning, right?