My mother was a Pat. Whatever his condition is, like oppositional defiance disorder or whatever, she had it. She also had a deformed/crippled right arm from a car accident when she was a teenager. It looked like a fucking gnarly dogs paw, all pink and shiny. It was hideous.Pat IS Niki’s kid - or child if you will. I used Pats awful career as an example that he doesn’t even at least make good money / provide for them. I’m sure families will tolerate someone that might not make the most money but a good person and fun to have around. But Pat has NOTHING to offer - he’s forever an asshole and has an ego that makes him believe he’s the smartest and greatest person ever. The way he talks about his “wife” is beyond disrespectful because he doesn’t care about her, it’s all about him.
She was always waving that thing in peoples faces as if saying "Look what I have to overcome!"
She was a total psychopath. We couldn't make it through a check out line at the grocery store without her having a confrontation with somebody. And she was always in the right because of her dog's paw. She actually sounded like him. That way he snidely says things. That lilt in his voice? That shit's been in my head my whole life. Thank God he doesn't know his daughter.