No, No, No. I Don't Regret Moving to SC

Sue Lightning

Anthony was so sheltered for so long. Driving into midtown from Long Island, Po parks his car, Po gets his car. He only started complaining about "the city" once he starting having to take the LIRR and commute. He's seeing now what everyday NY'ers have been seeing for 40 years. I used to roll through Penn Station at 4:45am. Nothing is "different". Nothing has "changed". There's always going to be crackheads in the city. There's always going to be homeless in the city. He's only seeing it now, that he doesn't have "people" to shelter him from it all.

Since Trejo Cheeks loves using crime data, let's play that game.

Never heard a peep in 2000. 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005... According to this, NYC was WORSE back then.

Murders, down. Rape, down. Car theft, down. Three dudes rolling on fent by Penn Station, and NYC IN DISTRESS!!!!! All coming from a guy who used to freebase, but that was OK since there were to phone cameras back then? I guess?
It really is insane how every old NYer i encounter down here inevitably spouts out about what a chocolate hellhole the city has become. And their example is usually migrant crime or something, like NYC hasn’t been infested with migrants / blacks since the 1900’s. This shit has always existed. If you were in the 2000’s and told your parents born in the 30’s you were taking your kids to Time Square they would think it was to buy crack. Nope sorry grandma, parts of the city get better, other parts get shitty. What am i getting at? Idk
like NYC hasn’t been infested with migrants / blacks since the 1900’s.

There's a 100 foot tall green bitch in the river welcoming fresh batches of migrants to Ellis Island. For people who "love America" so much they really forget what America is all about.

NYC was gritty in the 70s/80's, but that all changed in the 90's and has been pretty steady since. You can't even compare NYC crime from the 70s/80s to modern times. Also, let's not forget about gentrification. Absolutely NOBODY wanted to live in Williamsburg, Fort Greene, Long Island City, Bushwick, etc. Now all these places are very in demand, commanding high rents. Where does the old guard go to live now that they can't afford their own neighborhoods? Other neighborhoods, and suddenly "all these blacks and immigrants". Like yeah dude, they'd be in Brooklyn or Queens, but they're priced out now. Parts of Harlem are pricey.
Kill jews. Behead jews. Roundhouse kick a jew into the concrete. Slam dunk a jew baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy kikes. Defecate in a jew's food. Launch jews into the sun. Stir fry jews in a wok. Toss jews into active volcanoes. Urinate into a jew's gas tank. Judo throw jews into a wood chipper. Twist jews heads off. Report jews to the IRS. Karate chop jews in half. Curb stomp pregnant black jews. Trap jews in quicksand. Crush jews in the trash compactor. Liquefy jews in a vat of acid. Eat jews. Dissect jews. Exterminate jews in the gas chamber. Stomp jew skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate jews in the oven. Lobotomize jews. Mandatory abortions for jews. Grind jew fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown jews in fried chicken grease. Vaporize jews with a ray gun. Kick old jews down the stairs. Feed jews to alligators. Slice jews with a katana.