Niglets in diapers attack the police

Their "communities" are abject failures on every conceivable level. They have proven time and time again that they simply cannot congregate together and remain civilized in any sort of practical way. Guns, drugs, feral children everywhere, squalor, their communities are beset with strife and anarchy, and they never address it in any meaningful way, instead preferring to find other scapegoats to blame.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
their communities are beset with strife and anarchy, and they never address it in any meaningful way, instead preferring to find other scapegoats to blame.
Leave anarchy out of this. They can’t even do math, let alone understand free market principles.
Leave anarchy out of this. They can’t even do math, let alone understand free market principles.
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Not intentional anarchy, like a deliberate philosophy, but just plain anarchy. Lawlessness, chaos, a disregard for morality and/or social conventions. Their communities invariably degenerate into pack warfare, squabbling factions killing one another over petty bullshit and perceived slights. You see it all the time in their African nations, too. There's no black paradise, where a black community truly works. There aren't any happy Spike Lee fantasy black communities, full of relatively prosperous, functional citizens. It's always gunplay, violent mobs, toddlers running around squalor.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Not intentional anarchy, like a deliberate philosophy, but just plain anarchy. Lawlessness, chaos, a disregard for morality and/or social conventions. Their communities invariably degenerate into pack warfare, squabbling factions killing one another over petty bullshit and perceived slights. You see it all the time in their African nations, too. There's no black paradise, where a black community truly works. There aren't any happy Spike Lee fantasy black communities, full of relatively prosperous, functional citizens. It's always gunplay, violent mobs, toddlers running around squalor.
Hah I knew what you meant brotherman. I needed an excuse to make fun of my own faggotry. And make fun of known faggot Dave smith at the same time.