Have you guys noticed @Turk February says nothing about hating pedos whenever the subject is brought up in a thread?
There's a wide cast of characters that are regularly discussed here who are predators, widely condemned by everyone here, but you never hear a peep from old Turk, he doesnt express disgust or anything denoting his opposition to it, he's only angry and disgusted when it's him in the spotlight getting rightfully accused. That's very unusual
You’d think a former kindergarten teacher would speak up and express some disgust or violent fantasies towards predators but let the record show that he does not, ever. Only when it’s him being accused suddenly he’s this (fake) angry insulted man. Not any other time. Most of the poster’s denouncing the pedos here don’t even have kids (or taught kindergarten) but still Turk is silent on this subject, always.
He doesn’t even mock them
There's a wide cast of characters that are regularly discussed here who are predators, widely condemned by everyone here, but you never hear a peep from old Turk, he doesnt express disgust or anything denoting his opposition to it, he's only angry and disgusted when it's him in the spotlight getting rightfully accused. That's very unusual
You’d think a former kindergarten teacher would speak up and express some disgust or violent fantasies towards predators but let the record show that he does not, ever. Only when it’s him being accused suddenly he’s this (fake) angry insulted man. Not any other time. Most of the poster’s denouncing the pedos here don’t even have kids (or taught kindergarten) but still Turk is silent on this subject, always.
He doesn’t even mock them