Nice harvest, stupid



Off duty last night, I busted an illegal who had clearly run into something (the front end was hanging by a thread) and was driving 15 under with the four-ways on.

Fat drunken spic. I guess they're coming for your job, Fatrick.
CB keeping the American streets free of riff raff! Bless your heart! This is a thin blue line supporting board!

Now can I get a PBA card and one of those little shieldy things thatll get me out of traffic tickets?


He clearly just buried the seeds in his slum dirt strip and maybe watered them a couple of times. Or rather Thick Nik did, as he's lazy as hell. No soil, no fertiliser, no weeding, no monitoring of soil moisture or pH. The hairs and forked roots are both dead giveaways that he didn't use the right soil. He could fuck up toast.


Seriously. If you can get them in Poland during the winter they’re not that fucking hard. His carrots look like those beansprouts you get when you have Chinese takeout.
Exactly. That's how hardy carrots are. He buried their seeds in the wrong soil, almost certainly didn't add fertiliser and probably never watered them and they still grew several (admittedly shoddy) roots. With about 3 hours work over a couple of months he would have had a decent haul but drinking and tweeting take priority over everything.


Breakfast Corn
Exactly. That's how hardy carrots are. He buried their seeds in the wrong soil, almost certainly didn't add fertiliser and probably never watered them and they still grew several (admittedly shoddy) roots. With about 3 hours work over a couple of months he would have had a decent haul but drinking and tweeting take priority over everything.
You can get a pound of carrots for $1.50. He waited three months to get some crap you are better off throwing out.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Yeah, it's the specialized unskilled Mexican laborers who're key to the success of American agriculture. Not the genetic modification, artificial fertilizers, pesticides and the billions of dollars of subsidies that pays for it all.

It also helps to have the faintest fucking clue about farming. It's a guarantee this retard just plunked the seeds in his salt-logged plot of dirt, did absolutely nothing to cultivate them, and then expected something out of a Roald Dahl book to pop out of the earth.
If this was in the wild he would be starving through the winter and die of natural selection. Just like when his moms tits tried to kill him as a baby.