Nice harvest, stupid


Breakfast Corn


He doesn't think things through, he thinks if it involves labor that's the extent of it, it's just the action. So he digs a hole, throws seeds in it, then waters it. Now he's a gardener. He digs holes, throws wood in it, nails panels to it, now he's got a fence, but he took no measurements, and didn't level anything. So he got a shitty fence, and he got shitty vegetables.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He doesn't think things through, he thinks if it involves labor that's the extent of it, it's just the action. So he digs a hole, throws seeds in it, then waters it. Now he's a gardener. He digs holes, throws wood in it, nails panels to it, now he's got a fence, but he took no measurements, and didn't level anything. So he got a shitty fence, and he got shitty vegetables.
He is all about cutting corners, doing. the bare minimum . He cant even follow instructions without trying to improvise.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
Yeah, it's the specialized unskilled Mexican laborers who're key to the success of American agriculture. Not the genetic modification, artificial fertilizers, pesticides and the billions of dollars of subsidies that pays for it all.

It also helps to have the faintest fucking clue about farming. It's a guarantee this retard just plunked the seeds in his salt-logged plot of dirt, did absolutely nothing to cultivate them, and then expected something out of a Roald Dahl book to pop out of the earth.