New Twitter account takes credit for SWATtings


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
Also talks about swatting some random person.



Just putting it out there.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
just searched who this Wayne Lambright guy is, quite obscure lolcow schizo who says he's running for president

his KF thread has only 12 pages in 8 years and hasn't been active since January 1st

seems fairly inoffensive at first glance, he has some history with 4chan and hating jews
All I know about him is he's some kind of schizo that lives/lived in a shack in the middle of the desert and people like to fuck with him a lot. At the risk of sounding hypocritical, I don't get why people fuck with the legitimately mentally ill or eccentric retards like that. Maybe wayne kind of toes that line of being completely retarded and insane but somewhat normal presenting (like someone we know) so nobody feels bad about it.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
45 times in 14 months?! Damn, Pat can't even excel at SWATting without someone else besting him at it. He really does Tomlinson everything.

As for this account, not buying it. It glows. I suspect that it's either The Pig, Unfuckable Fat Bad Mother Jackie, or someone in their orbit who will try to pose as the hacker, and then (surprise surprise) boast allegiance to either us, Kiwifarms or both. Just watch.

They probably got the idea from that painfully obvious false flag shooter whose "manifest" credited Libs of TikTok. These faggot leftists are so damn ignorant and predictable.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
"I will never be in prison" certainly sounds a lot like YouWillNeverFindMe1488

"Including reports to cops aka swattings"

Almost like someone noticed that we have pointed out how, due to no actual SWAT team, Pat has rarely if ever been actually SWATted, this 100% totally real genuine SWATter made sure to qualify that any "reports to cops" technically counts.