New Theory on Pat’s 1.7 GPA

I'm not buying that theory.

You'd think if Fat was going to larp as a mechanic, he'd at least have an auto tech class on his report card somewhere. Even if his high school didn't offer those courses, he still could've gone to an automotive school (which he would've bragged about already).

I think that cunt mother of his convinced him that his ADD made him a special boy with super brain powers that didn't need anybody telling him the right way to put up a fence or spell "Dehli". Fat idiot.
He did have like a trucking class or something like that, it had a stupid name like "trans" something, but I need to see the transcript again to remember which one. It could have been their retarded version of autoshop


A bong hit?!
Terrible theory. Patrick is a pseudo-intellectual that will say “occurs” instead of “happens” in an attempt to sound smart. He desperately wants to be a member of the social elite club in higher education. Your typical yuppie hustle and bustle bro that thinks living in Milwaukee and getting out of the cornfield makes him better. He behaves the way he thinks an educated person is supposed to but its all a larp.
He’s just that much of a failure
He really thinks he's a self-taught intellectual tough guy.

My Pig's wicked smahhhTT.

He did have like a trucking class or something like that, it had a stupid name like "trans" something, but I need to see the transcript again to remember which one. It could have been their retarded version of autoshop
Advanced Tran Tech
Advanced Tran Tech
Doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo
All you need is a piggy
To get a D in high school