New South Park is extremely unfunny



People have been calling this show shit and unfunny for a while now, but I don't know how anyone can defend it now. Watching the streaming wars part 2... didn't see part 1 but I read the story on wikipedia so I know what's happening. I'm 10 minutes in and this is a fucking nightmare. There is no way they were having fun when writing this. This is tired and boring and so uninspired.
They probably are going to be billionaires soon. Seinfeld too. Maybe Tom Cruise.

They must be addicted to the work and the excitement of the tight deadlines. I kind of get that for a few years, but JESUS. After 100 million you can do almost anything imaginable.

Plus, a lot of people punch out for the sake of their legacy. Unless you've still got plenty of ideas and that old lightning in a bottle - such as Opie Radio.


Seinfeld did, Simpsons did not. South Park will never be Simpsons-bad, but they're at Family Guy levels in that they're comfortable being consistently mediocre and nothing makes me laugh, but I don't hate it. Lukewarm, I guess.
Coming back from cancelation ruined that show. The first 3 seasons are pretty funny. When their first episode back was about Mel Gibson making a sequel to Passion of the Christ, I knew they were fucked. Couldn't get away with Cleveland Steamer and feltching jokes anymore.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
They've had a couple of decent episodes in the past 5 years, but nothing memorable. I noticed the decline started when their jokes stopped being surprising. When you could just name their bits as they were doing them and they would play out more or less as you expect them. The Token\Tolkien thing was kind of funny, but it's been ruined by faggots taking the bit too far and acting like that's his name now.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
The divorced one who married a stripper is supposedly broke. Like he blew all his money on bad investments and cocaine. One of his investments was a weed farm as well. He must live like professional basketball players or boxers or 90s rappers.

I respect people who blow their vast fortune more than the hoarders of weatlth


nice backpedal after second questioning your thread minutes after posting, stupid.
I watched the whole thing and that was the only good part.

Imo it started getting bad with the Jonas brothers BJ episode and hasn't been truly funny since
I remember mickey becoming big and killing people but there was no real violence on screen and it just didnt seem like south park. I remember thinking that show was weak too.