New Piggy selfie



Screenshot 2022-07-16 at 11.01.25 PM.png

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
When I was a teenager I knew this super racist Mexican guy who was packin nearly a foot long flaccid. The reason I know is he pulled his shorts down every chance he got. Especially around blacks in order to flex on them and he’d make fun of them for being embarrassed or shy about it.

Ricky was a pretty funny little spic. Probably dead by now.


Nice For Here
He does that thing that really, really tall guys do with their girlfriends where they barely have them in the frame to be silly.

My half-brother is 6'6" and he does that with his 5'5" wife. Pig is 5'10.5" and Niki is probably 5'5". You just look like a narcissistic dope, Pat.