New Evidence and Suspect in Bernell Murder Case..


The gunslinger.
There is enough there for it to be checked out and cleared, no bs.
The location, the motive about him being a prominent trump supporter - the uncanny physical resemblance, the shoes/bike and the access to guns. It really makes you think if you ask me.
Makes you think this guy probably knows something - but what do I know?




I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
That must be his shitty Triump motorcycle he keeps bragging about
I hope someone takes the I and the H from the logo so he's riding a trumpcycle
"The prosecution calls expert witness in the field of forensic hunchback analysis, Glory Hole Joeh."
he's the foremost expert in identifying penises stuck through a hole in the wall



As you can see Milwaukee man, Patrick Tomlinson is sporting a very similar outfit, as well as body style (fat)..
We also know Patrick supports violence against Trump Supporters, and this crime happened just a few min away from his pen..
I hope the Milwaukee PD does their job and Bernell's family can find some closure..

Please share this photo on Twitter and other places that you think might help..

#Justic4Bernell #DLTIW
He’s a monster is what he is.