
Great food
just skimmed the wikileaks article. really interesting - will read all of it later.

i'm not saying it didn't happen. clearly two building fell that day. it's certain details that bother me:

- foreign intelligence agencies having intel the attack was coming before it happened but the US govt. acted like they didn't know so weren't prepared for it.

- cell phones from 2001 still being able to send calls with crystal clear audio quality from a high

- the altered pentagon footage and lack of any other video footage from security cameras that day

- the extreme ariel maneuvers the pentagon plane performed without being destroyed by the g-force on its way down
The Pentagon stuff has always bothered me. Just one shitty choppy ass video. I know it was 2001 but you're telling me there wasn't another camera within a mile of the fucking Pentagon that saw anything?

Not to mention the aerial maneuvers like you mentioned. Actual experienced trained pilots couldn't do it on simulators.
The Pentagon stuff has always bothered me. Just one shitty choppy ass video. I know it was 2001 but you're telling me there wasn't another camera within a mile of the fucking Pentagon that saw anything?

Not to mention the aerial maneuvers like you mentioned. Actual experienced trained pilots couldn't do it on simulators.
No shit the Pentagon doesnt want the public to study clear footage of how they could do the most damage to them. Its pretty basic OPSEC.


The Pentagon stuff has always bothered me. Just one shitty choppy ass video. I know it was 2001 but you're telling me there wasn't another camera within a mile of the fucking Pentagon that saw anything?

Not to mention the aerial maneuvers like you mentioned. Actual experienced trained pilots couldn't do it on simulators.
That was a classified Northrop Grumman drone.


A circle of N-words
What's so odd about the footage or the statements? That some Christian says, "Lord God" instead of, "Holy fucking shit!"? Eh. He sounded like a tourist (that was not a NY accent).

I saw both towers with holes/smoking/on fire with my own eyes that day so if you're questioning if it even happened I can't help you.

The end of the video with that song was corny though lol. He'd obviously been in NY that week and compiled his other tourist footage (awkwardly) at the end.

Believe the words of our fallen saviour, Norm MacDonald. He walked through blood and bones, through the streets of Manhattan that fateful day. Trying to find his brother.
It was the last time America got together, black white brown didn't matter we were all united against Bin Laden...Sucks it was all a lie.

This video reminds me of Avatar. James Cameron had to wait 20 years for CGI to get good enough to realise his vision.

Same with putting together a realistic looking plane to crash into the thermite-laden building. The video looks great, sure. But it's hard to get too excited when it comes 20 years too late.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
The people in the tower should have had paint balloons ($1 each).
Thermite paint balloons.



Get up here and shut up!
The Pentagon stuff has always bothered me. Just one shitty choppy ass video. I know it was 2001 but you're telling me there wasn't another camera within a mile of the fucking Pentagon that saw anything?

Not to mention the aerial maneuvers like you mentioned. Actual experienced trained pilots couldn't do it on simulators.
There was a gas station with multiple cameras and I believe a traffic camera which all had a clear view of what happened, but the FBI confiscated all of the footage and refused to release it, more than likely for the reason @Sgt. Barnes mentioned.