Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.


Baby minded self hating jew.

Grifter who couldn’t give a fuck about politics and does it for money.

And a faggot.

Uhmmm I have faith! In who? Idk. Why? Idk. Let me translate this: I like looking faithful while adhering to none of the principles!
You forgot "settled for a handy while settling for Kate Meaney"
Alex Stein just credited Nana helping elect Trump lmao

I mean... Hilary Clinton literally lost the election because of Opie and Anthony:

Andrew Breitbart was dead in 2016, but the Breitbart website had evidence that Anthony Weiner had pedo shit on his laptop. This goes all the way back to Cumia leaking pics of Weiner's dick on O&A. Breitbart held on to that, then strategically released it weeks before the election. That forced James Comey to re-open the investigations into Clinton, just days before the election. That was enough to shift the vote a little bit, and that put Trump over the top.

This is why:
1) The media circled the wagons SO FUCKING HARD over the Biden laptop

2) The media began to collude with each other, to bury stories unfavorable to Democrats

O&A literally got Trump elected


I mean... Hilary Clinton literally lost the election because of Opie and Anthony:

Andrew Breitbart was dead in 2016, but the Breitbart website had evidence that Anthony Weiner had pedo shit on his laptop. This goes all the way back to Cumia leaking pics of Weiner's dick on O&A. Breitbart held on to that, then strategically released it weeks before the election. That forced James Comey to re-open the investigations into Clinton, just days before the election. That was enough to shift the vote a little bit, and that put Trump over the top.

This is why:
1) The media circled the wagons SO FUCKING HARD over the Biden laptop

2) The media began to collude with each other, to bury stories unfavorable to Democrats

O&A literally got Trump elected
ME: And we never get credit in the media! Just a taaaaaste *sniff*