Nana Lands and Right Back to Rage Posts

LOL yeah who's he bullshitting with that? He knows damn well that he burned his Bill Burr bridges, and there's no coming back from it. He's such a petulant, queer little man, all full of jolly grievances and impotent rage.

My hypothesis is he's trying to pull an Alex Jones. Like "Anthony Cumia" is a character, but that's just a front for it really being him the whole time. Oh Bill, no, that's just my "persona"!

Joe Derosa

Hey, speaking of the REAL Hoagie Boy, when was the last time Joe was on TACS? Do you think he'd go on now?

Sue Lightning

Hey, speaking of the REAL Hoagie Boy, when was the last time Joe was on TACS? Do you think he'd go on now?
It really goes to show how pathetic Derosa is that when Ant got all of his fans to attack him for rightfully cutting Cumia off he slithered his way back to the dude. That situation is actually EXACTLY what would happen if Opie or Burr tried to make up with Cumia. Anthony does his half hearted “Yeaaaah man i was being a douche but also i wasnt and it was the fans fault” and Derosa took all the blame as being sensitive and a liar and a liberal and etc etc. And of course Cumia never even spoke to him again, it was just about soothing his hurt ego. However now that Burr has basically given the greenlight to comedians to tell the guy to fuck off, Derosa can now comfortably distance himself.

Sidenote, fuck you for bringing that talentless shoulderless faggot on air. Holy shit he does not fit in that studio at all. A wanting to fit in and be liked jerk off who can fit into a container better than Norton.
My hypothesis is he's trying to pull an Alex Jones. Like "Anthony Cumia" is a character, but that's just a front for it really being him the whole time. Oh Bill, no, that's just my "persona"!
Like the Howard Stern defense. "I wasn't saying nigger, I was making fun of racists who say nigger! They were JOKES! I'm being quoted out of context! We're COMEDIANS!".
Sidenote, fuck you for bringing that talentless shoulderless faggot on air. Holy shit he does not fit in that studio at all. A wanting to fit in and be liked jerk off who can fit into a container better than Norton.

I did like DeRosa. He was my farm league guy. He was great with Burr on Uninformed and felt like he needed a fair shot. Back then he didn't have an ego and was just a regular guy. As things progressed he changed and started being better than you. Again, this guy would leave messages on my voicemail begging and begging to come on O&A. One fucking RT I asked for. I wish I had all his old voicemails so they could be available for perennial mocking, as my tweet will be.

DeRosa & I went to a Monster Mania Con in NJ together. Couldn't be bothered to click a button on his phone. Fuck you, dude.

Like the Howard Stern defense. "I wasn't saying nigger, I was making fun of racists who say nigger! They were JOKES! I'm being quoted out of context! We're COMEDIANS!".

I was doing characters like Mr. Imus.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
You ever see The Thing? I feel like Captain Gary talking about Bennings to MacReady when it comes to Anthony.

"I know Bennings. I've known him for ten years, he was my friend."

But now he's The Thing.


If anyone wants to work there photoshop magic
Ant will only accept a war exists if he sees constant ten second videos of it on social media, and even then only if they’re being retweeted by the right accounts.

When I lived in the south in the early 90s, the cranky old fucks who nobody wanted to talk to would get together for coffee at McDonald’s in the morning, maybe Nana might want to look into that. Of course they probably won’t want to deal with a loudmouth black Yankee. When he drops dead of a heart attack in his backyard, how long before anyone finds him? Hope he falls into that ghetto ass fire pit.

Boqqie McFarlane

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
Why would Anthony even want to associate with him. Beyond his wife being black, Burr is a “liberal” who got in many arguments with Cumia in the later years on the show. We also know Anthony has no friends - So what happens if he IS your friend? Not like you guys hang out. So all it is is a career thing which, again, provides no benefit to Burr. Anthony not only can’t offer him anything but is a literal negative for his career, considering he’s a walking malignant tumor.

The Joe Derosa not wanting to be his friend shit was insane but even thats a little more understandable - I think Derosa cut him off ala Norton / Louie by denouncing him in the media, and all Cumia had done up to this point was call that woman a nigger (ignoring everything he’s said on air and off). But Burr? By the point he cut Ant off, Ant was screaming about “fucking niggers” openly and putting laughing emojis on their deaths.

Frog in boiling water, I constantly use this example. Anthony does not realize how insane he is. He genuinely thinks he’s still like a moderate conservative.
Even his most ardent ballwashers couldn't take "I'm glad this nigger child is dead" Ant
Around the time Michael Jackson died, I remember ona doing an interview with this woman who knew him and was going to write a book he’d commissioned. She was talking about how disassociated from reality he was due to his shitty childhood.

This is exactly how Anthony is now. He is just not tethered to reality anymore. He’s lived in a bubble of having easy money and “friends” and girlfriends that are just leeching off him for so long that he doesn’t even question what he says anymore. It’s just “I’m the great Anthony Cumia. This thought must surely be genius and must be shared with the world immediately!”

Also he’s a nigger.
Like the Howard Stern defense. "I wasn't saying nigger, I was making fun of racists who say nigger! They were JOKES! I'm being quoted out of context! We're COMEDIANS!".
Actually the Howard Stern defense it to just completely deny that he ever even said the word "nigger", and that it was actually Daniel Carver saying "nigger" every single time it was said on the show. -
Yeaaa man Bill Burrs so ARROGANT mannn we all fuckinnn say shit about each others GURRLSS but he just can’t FUCKIN GET IT cause he’s sensitive and his wife is a uhhhhh hh….geheheeeee…DING DING DING….Like, why can’t he just be fucking cool? (MUGS AT CAMERA WITH EYES BUGGING) Does EVERYTHING have to be a problem? Or racist? So I said shit about your wife! Big fuckin’ deal! My fans said uh uhhh most of the awful shit he saw anyway! So what? I’m supposed to apologize and BEG at the feet of…fucking BILL BURR so i can hang out with in the cool kids club??? Fuckin’ whatever mann…they’re fucking lame anyway…can’t take a joke…

I had memory holed that they called their girlfriends “my girl” and “your girl.” Yuck.