Nana didn't enjoy Killers of Comedy or whatever it's called

Sue Lightning

Not even gonna watch the video. I fucking hate Ant’s obsession with Burr because Burr was actually man enough to invite the guy to dinner to tell him to fuck off to his face. I can perfectly imagine what a tittering nervous faggot Anthony was during that meeting. And he has these homosexual macho fantasies of what he should have said to him but didn’t so he takes out his anger on him, his wife, and his friends from his basement behind a camera like a fag. His viewers think he’s probably such a man going against LIBERAL HOLLYWOOD BILL BURR who TURNED HIS BACK ON ANT Derosa style because black friends or some shit. Ol no responsibility Cumia:

Get fired for taking pictures of blacks unknowingly? Keep doing it. It’s PC culture to blame. Beat your girlfriend and lose your firearm because you’re blasted? Keep drinking. It’s the cops and liberal justice system. Bomb at your first comedy set? Keep performing. It’s the audiences fault. Old friends don’t want to work with you? Fuck them I didn’t do anything wrong.

Sue Lightning

Also makes me think about the arguments Bill Burr and Anthony had on race. Anthony constantly titters and giggles around his argument throwing out serious points as “jokes” and when Burr isn’t keen on hearing the arguments of racial brain size in correlation to crime, Ant blows him off like “Wow man you went Hollywood liberal, whats your problem?” Then shirks back into faggoty giggling upon being confronted back or having an actual argument thrown at him. Yeah, why wouldn’t Burr want to associate with a spineless cowardly “Republican” child grooming girl beating racist faggot who can’t even say his opinions with his chest, or back them up with evidence when he does?