Names that had more thought behind them than Torque Wheeler




Stand Alone Fruit
It’s great how he thought having a character named after Kamala Harris would make it a sales hit for the YASSS QUEEN SLAY! crowd. Of course that crowd he trying to get doesn’t read sci fi (or anything really) and Kamala Harris is so unlikeable, even by her own party. She wasn’t “black” until it was needed and most black people don’t consider her black. Plus she’s married to a white guy. Oopsie Doodles!
It’s great how he thought having a character named after Kamala Harris would make it a sales hit for the YASSS QUEEN SLAY! crowd. Of course that crowd he trying to get doesn’t read sci fi (or anything really) and Kamala Harris is so unlikeable, even by her own party. She wasn’t “black” until it was needed and most black people don’t consider her black. Plus she’s married to a white guy. Oopsie Doodles!
She's also as stupid as Rick is which doesn't help.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
It’s great how he thought having a character named after Kamala Harris would make it a sales hit for the YASSS QUEEN SLAY! crowd. Of course that crowd he trying to get doesn’t read sci fi (or anything really) and Kamala Harris is so unlikeable, even by her own party. She wasn’t “black” until it was needed and most black people don’t consider her black. Plus she’s married to a (((white))) guy. Oopsie Doodles!