My uncle tried to kill my aunt the other day

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Apparently my uncle put a knife to my aunt's throat the other night. He's an old man recovering from a stroke, so his efficiency re: murder is pretty low. My other aunt and my cousin came to rescue the first aunt, and he called my family white trash (not untrue, but still very rude) and he told my cousin that her husband died because she's a nigger lover.


Apparently my uncle put a knife to my aunt's throat the other night. He's an old man recovering from a stroke, so his efficiency re: murder is pretty low. My other aunt and my cousin came to rescue the first aunt, and he called my family white trash (not untrue, but still very rude) and he told my cousin that her husband died because she's a nigger lover.
I believe you're supposed to have another relative come and beat that fella up.

When my aunt got hit by her man my cousins came over and beat him up pretty bad. Left the guy deaf on one side.

But I'm Puerto Rican...

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
I believe you're supposed to have another relative come and beat that fella up.

When my aunt got hit by her man my cousins came over and beat him up pretty bad. Left the guy deaf on one side.

But I'm Puerto Rican...
my uncle (aunt's brother) went to the house the next day to beat up her husband, but my aunt had filed a restraining order, so no one knows where her husband is operating out of


Big Time
It's hard to tell, they're both retards. We had a suspicion that he was trying to kill her last year because he's the one who was giving her diabetes medicine and she had to go to the hospital for being overdosed


Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Which one is blood. If the man is then he was driven to it by her if the woman is he's a piece of shit. That's how it works.
Aunt is blood. She's a real crumb bum, she married this guy when he was filthy rich in the 80s. He was a grain baron, but also a twice convicted embezzler. They're both now as broke as regular people, except now she's diabetic and blind and he's a stroke victim

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.