My Name is Niki

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
Vurry Good.

For executive production however, please consult the services of Danny Ross.

Thank You.

*This message has been sponsored and approved by the Local Synagogue Nepotism Center*
We couldn’t afford Dovid. God damn Jews think they’re worth more than the gold in Fort Knox. We got Marz. “Damn that’s a good pict-uh!”


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Wait, did you not catch it was a parody of this song?

As far as your question goes, I don't believe in bestiality (unlike Nancy).

I don't agree with your sentiment, but the differences make us who were are on here, Lass.

I will make my check out to Off Hour Rockers and look forward to eating at the end of your dinner table that hangs outside one of the three junky Bayville houses.