My cats


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Is he okay now?
Yeah, finally. He wasn't eating, so I basically started giving him milk, and then broth, easing him up to moist cat food. I just wanted to make sure that he was taking in calories, because at one point he was so weak that he couldn't even lift his hind leg.

As of last night, he was eating chicken with me and even back to dry cat food. He woke me up this morning by purring and kneading his claws on me (his way of telling me that he's ready for breakfast), so while he's not completely 100%, I feel comfortable saying that he's on the road to recovery.


Yeah, finally. He wasn't eating, so I basically started giving him milk, and then broth, easing him up to moist cat food. I just wanted to make sure that he was taking in calories, because at one point he was so weak that he couldn't even lift his hind leg.

As of last night, he was eating chicken with me and even back to dry cat food. He woke me up this morning by purring and kneading his claws on me (his way of telling me that he's ready for breakfast), so while he's not completely 100%, I feel comfortable saying that he's on the road to recovery.
Glad to hear that brothaman.

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
Yeah, finally. He wasn't eating, so I basically started giving him milk, and then broth, easing him up to moist cat food. I just wanted to make sure that he was taking in calories, because at one point he was so weak that he couldn't even lift his hind leg.

As of last night, he was eating chicken with me and even back to dry cat food. He woke me up this morning by purring and kneading his claws on me (his way of telling me that he's ready for breakfast), so while he's not completely 100%, I feel comfortable saying that he's on the road to recovery.
Sounds good. It's terrible to have a sick pet. Our cat almost died some time ago. That put everything to a stop at home. One time my girlfriend was crying from worry and he came up to comfort her. Heartbreaking. He's fine now.
Glad to hear that brothaman.
Me too. Mine is seventeen now. He had a vicious ear infection same time last year. He was clearly miserable, hiding all the time, and I felt terrible. He saw the vet (money grubbing assholes LOL), got treated, and they gave me ear drops. That was fun. He'd be looking at me like "why are you torturing me like this?". But, after several months of ups and downs, he beat it and now he's totally fine. He doesn't hear so well on that side anymore, but otherwise he's in fine form. While I was typing this he took a shit, and came launching out of the box like a cheetah on fire.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Good men own cats.
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It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Glad to hear that brothaman.

He extends his appreciation for your concern. I can't tell you how relieved I am to see him laying around like this again.

Me too. Mine is seventeen now. He had a vicious ear infection same time last year. He was clearly miserable, hiding all the time, and I felt terrible. He saw the vet (money grubbing assholes LOL), got treated, and they gave me ear drops. That was fun. He'd be looking at me like "why are you torturing me like this?". But, after several months of ups and downs, he beat it and now he's totally fine. He doesn't hear so well on that side anymore, but otherwise he's in fine form. While I was typing this he took a shit, and came launching out of the box like a cheetah on fire.
17 ... that's a lot of years of love right there. Man, that "hiding" thing they do when they get sick drives me crazy... and the fact that they can't tell you what's ailing them. Glad to hear that yours is on the mend as well, my man. Here's to many more years.
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He extends his appreciation for your concern. I can't tell you how relieved I am to see him laying around like this again.

17 ... that's a lot of years of love right there. Man, that "hiding" thing they do when they get sick drives me crazy... and the fact that they can't tell you what's ailing them. Glad to hear that yours is on the mend as well, my man. Here's to many more years.
Thanks, appreciate that! It was pretty distressing and cost me a minor fortune too. I felt terrible about having to pin him down (literally pinning him down, which is difficult, unpleasant, and even dangerous) and put that shit in his poor ear, and he would look at me with total disgust and contempt after, but it did work. That guy's been with me through an awful lot, and I'll stop now before I get all girly and pissy-eyed.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
How could you hate this fucker, look at him, people who hate cats have no soul.

If i had to choose between a woman or my cats the cunt would have to go.

He's beautiful. That's the face of a cat who knows that he's loved.

Thanks, appreciate that! It was pretty distressing and cost me a minor fortune too. I felt terrible about having to pin him down (literally pinning him down, which is difficult, unpleasant, and even dangerous) and put that shit in his poor ear, and he would look at me with total disgust and contempt after, but it did work. That guy's been with me through an awful lot, and I'll stop now before I get all girly and pissy-eyed.
I feel ya man. I was literally crying, praying to God to spare him. There's nothing like coming home from a bad day to find your kitty waiting on you, making everything better. I used to get upset at my cat for waking me up for breakfast every morning before my alarm - faced with the prospect of never waking up to him again, I will never bitch about it again.