My 90 year old grandma passed away today after a horrible 8+ years with dementia.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
At first it was just forgetfulness but for the last few months, it has been one of the most horrible and painful diseases I could ever wish on anyone.

I spent the first year and a half of covid lockdown staying at her house and taking care of her (shopping for food, cooking, pressure cleaning house and patio, shoveling snow, etc.)

She was quite ill at that point but we enjoyed having coffee and ice cream every night while we watched Jeopardy, Golden Girls and Wheel of Fortune. She remembered stories of growing up in the 1940s and told stories about her brothers who fought in the Pacific in ww2, and what a bitch her mom was, etc.

I’m pretty bummed, she was a cool grandma and had 8 kids, all of whom went on to be successful, and 20 grandkids. We will be gathering soon to have a funeral and, no doubt, celebration of her life. She was also a hardass but I loved spending summers at her and my grandpa’s house.

I can’t even imagine the shame Joe and Anthony must feel, since they abandoned their own mom for the last years of her life. Moreover, there is absolutely no way Patrick will have any sort of celebration of his life with tons of friends and family there to remember him fondly.

I’m sure I’ll get called a faggot for this post, that’s why I wrote it. Looking forward to some lawfs from the brothamen and, if you’re close with your grandparents and they’re still alive, call them and talk to them.



Going through similar with my grandma on my mom's side. She's 87, has dementia, and colon cancer which she's getting hospice treatment for. Sucks she lives 12 hours away so I haven't been able to go see her but I've Facetimed with her when my mom and uncle are there so at least that's better than a Cumia. My uncle also drove here with her last September to see my nephew/her great-grandson which was pretty cool. My sister has gone with my mom because she doesn't work and takes the baby which really helps my grandma's mood when he's around. Crazy how strong the motherly instinct is that even dementia doesn't dull it.
I'm sorry to hear that my dude.

Me & my lab guyss are working on some things to prevent age-related cognitive decline & also prevent amyloid plaques, so hopefully (despite the wishes of the new world order) this can be prevented in-future.

I lost a good friend / business acquaintance / father-figure (aged 88) not too long ago, & it was genuinely a rough one. ... I lost my train of thought now... I dunno, it can be tough


Shock Jock
My grandmothers kinda the same. Most old school lady in the world and we all cherish the fact she’s still around. She’s still mentally very sharp but physically can barely walk. Had bunions and never got them treated so her toes are in knots. Its great to be able to talk to someone from another time in history, but when she goes I think it’ll be good to be out of her misery.
To this day, my uncles who are pushing 60 still lie to her and tell her they went to church. And anyone caught swearing in the same room as her catches a smack to the head from anyone in reach. I’ll never respect a woman as much as I do her

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
It can always be shittier (literally): in 2018 I had to help a nurse change my grandfather's diaper by adjusting his body on his deathbed (he had lymphoma at 88 and was drugged with morphine).

At least before he completely lost his faculties, he "mistook" my grandmother's wardrobe for a toilet and pissed all over her clothes. I'm thinkin' the nigga was based and wanted to get one last lick in on the old cunt.
It's a big fear of mine for my mum.

Because she's small and physically and mentally active, from a family that tend to live a long time. So, I'm sure she will go for at least another 10 to 20 stretch. But, a long life is also a lot of years of decline.

So, she's going to lose her hearing, her ability to drive. And, the nightmare is years of dementia when she can't even remember who I am :(

It's a rough one, man. I'd tell you if it wasn't, genuinley.

How young are you that you have grandparents though?? I lost all my grandparents from about 10 to 20 years of age.