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Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
Do you guys also wake up at 12 PM to go to church?

Keep being jealous of the traditional christian lifestyle she's living, LIBTARDS!!

She hasn't been up all night getting dicked down by black dudes while antH watches. That never happened, alroight?
I wake up at 9 on Saturday but Mass isn’t until 4. So no I don’t wake up at noon to go to church.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
Man has a point. Jesus never existed and a bunch of dopes fell for a silly Jewish story.

Sorry brotherman. Jesus definitely existed as a historical figure.

Maybe the Jews made up some big lie of a religion to control the Romans, but if so it was a long con. The Romans wouldn’t have faked their records at that time which indicate Jesus did exist.

The question isn’t whether he existed or not, the question is simply about the validity of him being a messiah.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
If Anthony had played his cards right, and tactfully leaned into his conservative persona after getting fired in 2014, he could’ve been a controversial firebrand doing a weekly podcast with a rotating cast of guests, reminiscing on the glory days and taking on these darn kids and their woke culture and doing it from a position where he could command some respect while still getting notable guests to appear for him.

Instead he’s so fucking boring and lazy he’d rather just do generic racist schlock for 3000 truckers and right wing losers who will retweet him for niggerpointz but never actually pay to listen to his show, while he also alienates all his former friends and colleagues.

The problem we all have (myself included) is that we ever assumed he was capable of doing the first option. The more time passes the more it becomes clear he has always been what he is now and he only seemed to have greater potential in the past due to the context of the show and the quick wit he once possessed (but drank away)


Sorry brotherman. Jesus definitely existed as a historical figure.

Maybe the Jews made up some big lie of a religion to control the Romans, but if so it was a long con. The Romans wouldn’t have faked their records at that time which indicate Jesus did exist.

The question isn’t whether he existed or not, the question is simply about the validity of him being a messiah.
The Romans never mentioned Jesus in a historical context only a religious one when they were getting the mud people under control. How obvious did the Jews have to make this scam? Here is your new god, but don’t forget who gods chosen people are, not you. God:” You sit there in the mud with your 14 children I’m taking my special chosen people out for a nice Passover dinner”

Nice cuckholding from your own gods, stupids


Mary and Joseph were immigrants and Jesus was their anchor baby. Jesus was also not a pale white strawberry blonde man. This is what people look like who were born in modern day Bethleham. Can any conservative Christian here explain why Jesus Christ is the only white guy to come from an area of arabs? People born in the middle east don't pop out as white babies.

Peasants of the neighborhood of Bethlehem, Holy Land, (i.e., West Bank)] |  Library of Congress
He's is the son of God.


Give Me Some Money
Mary and Joseph were immigrants and Jesus was their anchor baby. Jesus was also not a pale white strawberry blonde man. This is what people look like who were born in modern day Bethleham. Can any conservative Christian here explain why Jesus Christ is the only white guy to come from an area of arabs? People born in the middle east don't pop out as white babies.

Peasants of the neighborhood of Bethlehem, Holy Land, (i.e., West Bank)] |  Library of Congress
Isn't he described as blonde and blue eyed in the bible?

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
The Romans never mentioned Jesus in a historical context only a religious one when they were getting the mud people under control. How obvious did the Jews have to make this scam? Here is your new god, but don’t forget who gods chosen people are, not you. God:” You sit there in the mud with your 14 children I’m taking my special chosen people out for a nice Passover dinner”

Nice cuckholding from your own gods, stupids
True Christians don't hold that the Jews are the chosen people, stupit. That's an incredibly recent development of evangelicals.

Nice education

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
A bible written and edited by European men.
Just shut up, kike. You're in so far over your head (not hard) already. "they were immigrants hurrr hurrr" Immigrants to where from where? They left Judea for Egypt after the JEWISH King Herod ordered every male child under the age of two to be slaughtered but until then they were born and lived in Judea. If I move from Vancouver to Edmonton does that make me an immigrant?

Save the bullshit revisionism for the rabbis.
Just shut up, kike. You're in so far over your head (not hard) already. "they were immigrants hurrr hurrr" Immigrants to where from where? They left Judea for Egypt after the JEWISH King Herod ordered every male child under the age of two to be slaughtered but until then they were born and lived in Judea. If I move from Vancouver to Edmonton does that make me an immigrant?

Save the bullshit revisionism for the rabbis.
Something unusual that I've noticed with David is that he's not really up to Jewish tricks, pretending to not understand, the usual shtick. To his credit, he doesn't do that.

The concept of per capita. "lol you worship a jew on a stick lol". He posts an outlandish film mocking trannies from the 50's as evidence that there is no modern Jewish cultural agenda (he was so proud of this "gotcha" that he made a thread about it).

He really is as dumb as he presents himself.
He posts an outlandish film mocking trannies from the 50's

Bro you have no idea who Ed Wood was. There have been trans people, gays forever, all throughout the decades. Divine. I don't remember anybody sperging out over the ending to Sleepaway Camp. Mrs. Doubtfire is a beloved family film. Pretty sure everyone loved Ace Ventura. You're only outraged now though, when you've been told to be.

Hey, would Metroid be "woke" now since Samus is a chick?

Religion is stupid. That's the point.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
The Bible says so. Go read your Jewish fantasy story
The Old Testament does but the New Testament makes it clear that Israel are the followers of Christ, not the synagogue of Satan. Ironically you're the one who was hoodwinked by the Jews, here.

Go back to arguing with the people calling you a pedophile - you're embarrassing yourself more than usual here.


The Old Testament does but the New Testament makes it clear that Israel are the followers of Christ, not the synagogue of Satan. Ironically you're the one who was hoodwinked by the Jews, here.

Go back to arguing with the people calling you a pedophile - you're embarrassing yourself more than usual here.
Go read the chosen people’s book again, you’re falling apart. Jew on a stick is a pretty funny line, unless you’re hyper defensive

Sue Lightning

Bro you have no idea who Ed Wood was. There have been trans people, gays forever, all throughout the decades. Divine. I don't remember anybody sperging out over the ending to Sleepaway Camp. Mrs. Doubtfire is a beloved family film. Pretty sure everyone loved Ace Ventura. You're only outraged now though, when you've been told to be.
I’ve said this for a while now. Hollywood starting to appreciate trannies and not mock them is not some jewish acceptance scheme. It’s about fucking MONEY. It always is. Even though trans people are like 0.1% of the population making fun of trannies means you don’t pull money from that 0.1%. Maybe even larger because the news can manufacture outrage and get progressive liberals to not see said thing too. As opposed to what?

In the 90’s / 2000’s (a time i wasnt alive for but eat a dick) it was trendy to exclude certain subgroups because if you DID include them people would go “IM NOT SEEING THIS SHIT” and REALLY not go see it. Eventually in the 2010’s executives realized this outrage machine is bullshit and you’ll see whatever they put out. Inclusiveness makes more money than exclusion. Thats literally ALL its about.

Sue Lightning

We had this exact discussion around GTA. “Man GTA 6 is gonna sell poorly cuz it went woke!” Yeah, really? Gamers will still buy it no matter how disgusted they are. And now Rockstar gets extra sales from faggots who felt excluded by their raunchy humor and from women who feel “represented”. Must be nice to have $$$

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
Go read the chosen people’s book again, you’re falling apart. Jew on a stick is a pretty funny line, unless you’re hyper defensive
Lmao I didn't say anything about the jew on a stick line. If somebody wants to mock the Lord they'll have their reward; no skin off my back.

Now stop coping - not everyone you run into is going to fall for your basic bitch atheist apologetics.Go try the comments section on YouTube or something.