MM Schill defends trump supporter who was swatTed, but never gave a care when Daniel Mullen of Plymouth MA swatted Pat.



SWATTING is attempted m*rder. Full stop.

Even if you think MTG is a despicable person, trying assàssiňate her is not okay.

Allowing people to ruin themselves is always more cathartic.

The FBI won't drop an attack on a sitting congresswoman. This is a dangerous game.

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How does that feel, Pat?


ImJustJenAndImEnough, AndImGreatAtJewingStuff

The police released the MTG police report.

It's a Kiwifarms user named "AltisticRight", or someone trying to frame them.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
Kiwi Farms doesn’t really have a political slant. Their owner is a libertarian and naturally, depending which cow thread you’re reading you’re going to see people who are opposite. Pretty sure trump and Tim pool have threads and Ethan Ralph is one of the most popular ones.

The only reason I even go on there occasionally is to shit on PPP who is a big fat alt right retard that I simply don’t have another venue to shit on him with.
Patrick shit like this is why we will take everything from you. Your writing career, respect among peers, 2nd better wife, mental stability, hovel.... is all ours, child. The warp speed aging we've put on you can't be sustained. Seriously Fatso you've aged 15 years in the 3 1/2 to 4 we've been handing you L after mother fucking L. But a pig like you can't keep his snout out of the trough. Plz do have fun as I don't think you have much longer for this world at the rate you're drinking and bloating. Remember all you had to do was admit Norm Macdonald was funny.