Missy says bevis is dead and Anthony looks good


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
"Anthony looks amazing!"

This was a fun one.

The bad lies (sweetheart- we see his Twitter. He's not "positive" and "doing great." What you say here is "he's recovering well" etc. Don't oversell).

"I've been with Ant for 10 years." Someone else already covered this but the fact that she can say this effortlessly with a straight face..I just love it. Pure mental illness. No mention of all of the GF's he's had in-between, the burnt clothes, the 911 calls, ahem "defecation incidents," etc. Just "...We've been together."

The fact that she had to ask his permission/see if he even wanted her around for the heart surgery. They must be super close. Imagine your chick asking if you'd prefer she just stay home when you're having major heart surgery or if, ya know, she might wanna show her face?

As ever, the lesson from Ant is to try your absolute fucking hardest to be a decent man capable of genuine love and warmth. Otherwise you will wind up like him. Maybe not the pedophilia, you might be a weed fag instead of a drunk, but you'll be some variant of him.