Miami LEO knocks woman in handcuffs unconscious

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Nigga just close the fuckin door she's a 90 lb crackwhore. It's satisfying but you know he's a total pussy faggot who joined the force to fuck with people. How much you wanna bet he's a manlet high school dropout?


I think he threw her head first onto the pavement. He's lucky she's not dead. I don't know what the fuck he expected to happen there. She can't put her hands out to break her fall, which women never do anyways. The way his voice gets all shaky like he's so mad he could cry after she spits tells you what kind of psycho the guy is. Even before he grabbed the tiny bitch by her throat and planted her skull into the sidewalk.
They’re all like that. You have to be fucked in the head to become a cop