Message to Shane. Please read and respond.


Oh...You were finished?? Well allow me to retort...
Post your contact info so we can sue you for libel.
Oh, what? You can’t do that? Why not? I’m sure you have ample proof to back your ridiculously malicious and false accusations of misogyny, alleged acts of racism, legal charges of pedophilia, and the rest of your bullshit buzz-words that are used by millennials like you, who with no conscience whatsoever throw around those once very powerful words for the sole purpose of gaining the upper hand and public support of your constituents whenever you get involved in an altercation. Problem is, most people have a hard time believing anonymous users on a site known for using these tactics in an attempt to damage reputations and interfere with ones right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (sound vaguely familiar?)
The core purpose your forum is driven by envy, jealousy, failure, having no sense of purpose in your life and the desire to be prominent amongst of your equally dysfunctional pals on your ever diminishing platform. They’ve now become the magically shrinking Kiwi Farms. Good move not using an kf related name.
You’re now constantly being attrited and for good and wholesome reasons...Good will always triumph over evil.
Read on:
What this poster hasn’t mentioned is that every last DMCA that has been filed by myself, either on my own or with legal authorization by others who wish they had the time and energy to do so, are completely and totally legitimate and legal. There’s nothing false or illegal about the DMCA’s that I’ve filed. All Photos and videos on the internet were taken by someone, therefore someone owns the copyright to every last one of those photos and videos. I’m thorough in my filing. The sub just has too many ignorant members that don’t listen to the more logical moderators, and refrain from posting photos and videos that are reportable. They’re blinded by their desire to have their 15 mins and more importantly by their very real and palpable hatred.
Reddit has too much to lose and will never take the stance of a “Kiwi Farms” type of forum that a few sociopathic individuals run in their Moms house. They’re doing the only thing they can, taking infringing content down. If and when Reddit Legal receives enough of those legitimate DMCA’s they shut down the sub. It’s really that simple. So for Johnny Cakes, Frunkass, and the other dozen or so sociopaths on that sub who suck all the fun out of what a subreddit is supposed to be... and fantasize about a lawsuit against me.... I have one word... SUBPOENA. Stop already.
I’ve filed 100’s of legitimate DMCA’s over the past several months, admittedly with the sole intention of having Opie and Anthony related subs banned. They’ve dedicated themselves to libel, harassment, and outright real-life bullying on and off the sub. Not just name calling and ridicule. I could care less about that. Their anonymity is what empowers them to post libelous and defamatory content. If not for that anonymity, which I believe is the reason for them not filing a single counter claim, they would find themselves in civil court facing a large number of defamation and libel suits by many of their “victims”.
There’s a reoccurring pattern of them using my intellectual property as Illustrations to accompany their ridiculous accusations of projected (typically) pedophilia, misogyny, anti-Semitism, Homosexuality etc... toward my family, friends and myself. They’re in the habit of using other individuals Intellectual property to drive home their abysmal message of hatred and libel.
So Again, there’s been nothing illegal about any of the DMCA’s I’ve filed. For me to do so would be a dire mistake on my part. I’m achieving the desired results playing by the rules. Why jeopardize that? REMINDER: This sub has gone so far as to brigade and bully my employers to the point of them letting me go from a few of my jobs, all in the name of “having fun picking on old guys”. That’s the only reason they’ve ever given for their atrocious behavior. This sub brigades to the point of bullying venues, agencies and other people in the entertainment industry into avoiding me, by utilizing dozens of anonymous emails and phone calls...many using the names of past Opie and Anthony guests, show members and friends to further try to get my attention and aggravate.
This particular sub consisting mainly of envious millennials loves to reiterate the fact that I’m 60 and for the most part retired (according to the sub”70 and near death”) and that I have a stream of income due to business dealings with my brother. They like to call it “welfare”, and are constantly mocking the fact that I have income that’s not worked for. They like to call me a leech. Why they do this is beyond me. In addition to the fact that they think I’m a bum, they put a large amount of effort into taking my work (which they call a hobby) away from me and my band members.
It became personal for me when the sub (and it’s 7 or so now banned predecessors) started harassing and bullying my 11 year old daughter, my deceased Mother, My innocent Sister, and my longtime GF, all for the purpose of trying to rile me up and get a reaction out of me to use as fodder for the sub. Interfering with my every day real-life has become a game of sorts for them, supposedly it was brought upon by a comment I made some years back. “You have no effect on my life”.... meaning that an internet forum that shit-talks people...especially people with any amount of notoriety, has the absolute right to do so, but in reality..does nothing to affect my bottom line $ or my real world reputation.
I support 1A, I defended that right, amongst others. by serving in the Army for 3yrs. (another fact that this particular subreddit seems to love mocking) People have the right to say what they want. When it became a “challenge” for the sub to get my attention, they took it to the next level. That’s where the line between 1A right and libelous accusations that damage ones reputation, employability and the right to live a life undeterred by malicious internet trolls was crossed. All for the sake of getting someone’s attention and having “fun” hurting a “boomer”.
My Reddit post karma alone is clear evidence of brigading. The downvoting that this comment alone will incur by the brigading, bee hive mentality of the O&A related sub shows that there’s collusion amongst the members of this subreddit and its moderators to do real life damage to certain people they see as “less than human”. Phone calls to my business and texts to my business number calling for my untimely death, taunting, horrific allegations...All of that means ZERO to me. Commentary about me and my brother written and posted on the sub, means nothing to anyone but the sub.
When my family became the focus of the Opie and Anthony leftover psychopaths, it Became a problem that needed to be dealt with.
I liken what I’ve been FORCED to do (DMCA’s) with something that I was always intrigued with:
When Chicago mobster and really really bad guy, Al Capone (aka The Sub), was on a rampage against his enemies in the 20-30’s (Innocent Family and Friends) the Feds couldn’t imprison him for murder (aka- the subs libelous and malicious harassment and real life bullying, job interference, Doxxing my 11 year old daughters info). They did finally find a way to make his empire (aka- Opie and Anthony subreddit) crumble though fervently prosecuting him for the the less serious crime (but serious enough to get the job done) of tax evasion (aka-Copyright Infringement). They went another way entirely to get the desired results for the purpose of removing an evil, evil man from civilized society.
I (we) will continue to report this evil sub and file legitimate and legal DMCA’s at every turn until it’s gone.
Stop interfering with people’s real lives and livelihoods, and we’ll leave your stupid sub alone. Plain and simple.


The gunslinger.
I read the whole thing every time.

Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient.

(No offense AIDS patients….)

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.


Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient.

(No offense AIDS patients….)

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.
With the weekly windows 10 updates, I've had to have my OS reinstalled TWICE due to compatibility issues. Now, $200 geek squad dollars later, I've eliminated that mess but I get this pop-up scam, when I take the computer out of sleep mode, that has a window that won't close and audio of some limey twunt telling me that my computer's been infected by a virus from a malicious porn site and that I need to call the number on the screen because all of my personal info including Passwords for banking, social media sites, credit cards, etc... etc... have been compromised.

Most asshats would shit themselves hearing this blaring from their computer speakers, as the very official looking screen blinks an 1-888 number and implores you to call it to work with their "windows professionals" to eliminate this infection.

If this happens to you, do the following:

Hold Control, alt, delete simultaneously.

Choose "task manager" from the resulting menu, and close your browser.

It disappears. I'm not sure if it'll happen again, but for Christ's sake... DON'T call the number and play ball with these mongrel terrorists. The only infection your computer has is some fucker slipped in that pop up in the form of a familiar email with a link you (and I) mistakenly clicked.

Go to "remove program" in your control panel and look for one of these. Delete it, problem solved. THANKS FOR YOUR USELESS SECURITY UPDATES WINDOWS 10!!!!!!


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient.

(No offense AIDS patients….)

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.
Small note about this is I don’t understand why he would want to tan.


No you dumb dumb it isn't being an insider, it's seeing fools that push there way into, to feel like insiders. Anybody on the outside with half a brain realizes you don't get involved. If the local mobster wants you to build a deck for his daughter you're not winning a "powerful" friend, you're earning a never ending series of asks that will make your life theirs. The fact that you think I'm claiming I posses some special insight is idiotic. It's just a thing that people see if they look for it. Retards go asking for "permission" to things nobody would even notice. The mafia nonsense is dead it's just a bunch of unemployable old wops that dropped out of High School who get approached by idiots who want to think they're in the Godfather or the Sopranos and they foolishly think giving these people access to their businesses gets them some sort of power, it just gets them broke and vampired for "favors". Own a deli, you'll be catering 40 events in 2 years that you lose money on and be having some old fat wop dropping in for lunch 5 times a month and putting on his account every time. Oh hell tip your employee a 20 once every 6 months to make sure the guy puts 3 Lbs of the meat you pay for on his sandwich that goes on his account he owes 500 bucks on in 2 years.These things happen regularly to retards that run around fantasizing about being mobsters, of which none really exist anymore. You know what happens when you don't pay you gambling debt after you've lost 50k in the past 2 years and you suddenly don't have that 2 grand this week? Nothing you get cut off and start paying a vig on it as loan and you can't gamble again. That's a worse penalty than being beaten up or killed. Then in a few months you get tax check and pay up and then you lose a few more K this time they limit the size of your wager. This stupid fantasy that mobsters are bad ass is long dead as reality. The very fact retards like you think I'm romanticizing that rather than pointing out pussies that chase that is proof of how many pussies chase it and how common it is for them to be scammed by regular dudes.I'm available on Sunday nights at 8 with a family? Where else would I be but home? Last night I was at my kids game from 6-8:30, then we went out for dinner until 10:30 or so and watched the Ranger game. Today I'm waiting on a contractor to come for an estimate, I will also go out and do my son's side throw and some long toss. You have been here 13 months less and made 825 posts so you have over 50% of the posts I do without any direct Pat contact posts or dealing with dozens of posts that are directed at you. Essentially you sit here for this nonsense. You are likely 367 lbs and shut in.... prove me wrong.EDIT: For fun I checked, you post about 72 times a month vs 117 for me, yet every idiot here knows me, and nobody knows you, but yea I post too much. I'm here for fun, you're here trying and nobody cares. Say what you will I make people laugh whether at me or with me, you're a suicide waiting to happen. No you retard I don't care, the point was my posts make people laugh therefore they make sense to post as opposed to wasting your time to score one on me. Great man you got me good, how will I survive you. Oh yea by being completely able to do just about anything I want and go anywhere I want on my own dime and enjoy it with my family..... poor me.In fairness, I can't just spectate and that's what last night was. I can free form much better than be asked for succinct comments. I'm the color(ed) commentator not the play by play guy even with friends. I have to agree with what you said because honestly I'm good at relating stories and I can do a punch line, but having 4 people on starts getting too NPR round table. None of that last night was what was intended, the guy died it changed the subject. Either or the podcast is funny when whoever is on relates back to forum shenanigans and I disagree that the Hildy guy isn't funny, he's a literal goldmine that we just need a key to unlock. Either way I just come here to laugh and we're not hysterical anymore with all the infighting. I don't give a shit about Dan's honor, he has a little barely listened to podcast that makes me laugh when it stays forum focused. I'm pretty sure from speaking to him he isn't mentally and ill and thinking he's the next Rogan, he's just adding content. I enjoy going on and laughing, so you don't like me that won't impact me in the least. I'm enjoying me life, I'm half exposed here, I could be fully exposed and nothing will change due to you. You on the other hand are likely a loser that can only focus on a few people here because you enjoy that. Keep it up, whatever makes you laugh is cool with me. Post them all Daddy Dan lol I simp for you because I want the "cache" of the 100 people who listen. How pathetic are these idiots. We've talked offline, you aren't seeking fame and fortune through a podcast for shitposters, but it seems that those that shitpost at others here feel left out at not being able to even be "forum famous". How fucking pathetic are they. Post their DMs I need to laugh. I don't have too, I can tell the "mob on the mind" types even from their posts. If Dan lets me I'll a few stories of idiots that literally busted up their own spots, on the podcast. You can then tell me about a Sopranos episode lol. How about instead of trying to turn it into crossfire we just free form it. There are dozens of topics we can discuss, not too many that can be formatted to a debate style. We could discuss the severe mental illness of @NoBaconEggCheese and have Bam explain the workings of severely ill mind while I suggest we euthanize him. Thinking about running over this weekend by myself. 3 people will be in 3 of them. I can spy on them and if a hot girl is any of them go sniff the toilet seats before they get cleaned. Is that of interest. The insurance is a bit more, but easier claims process on the traditional or so I've been told, because I never made a claim. Plus you have their aircover also. Because of that the only cameras on the rentals are the front and rear(on some of them) door cameras. I should install a few hidden ones though lol. That would be obvious by the races, but since she's insane how about she takes poison and I shoot her just to make it quicker. Hush child this pussy is not tough like me, I fight no rules and will just neutralize the judge child before he can order me to jail. Sure, I wouldn't bet on it. I don't stutter, but again let's hear your voice and see what you sound like. I want to place my left forearm across his neck with my right arm folded pressed on his right ear and the left hand grabbing the right elbow while the right hand thumb down pushes the rear of his neck into my left forearm and squeeze it until his purpled face and legs go slack. Not in minecraft or maybe in it, but the feeling of his life draining out would be a fun thing to experience. He is the worst living thing on earth. Do I stutter? Do I stammer? Am I some retard that can't speak on command? Coach is for classy people and made of leather it's what they're known for and their literally quality. Their wallets are awesome, Hermes bags are leather and as good at 50 times the price. Some of that other shit is plastic and if you're con concerned with carrying an overpriced thing like a Hermes bag to display something and you don't own a house or you claim you aren't seeking "forum fame" you're full of shit because you're seeking cache with your bags. Niggers really can be lead by the nose so easy. This why they thrive better in prisons and slavery they need structure. No I have a go bag which never leaves the car except to come in the house. This way if I use the other car or something I have my shit all in one place. For my kids stuff and mine. My wife has one too besides her purse. I think we have better topics than this lol. I do have a few questions for her to answer live. You should encourage Dutch fag Pat Reeky to call in and simp for her. Again, enjoy your apartment if that's what you want. Our own house is not mansion, our personal cottage is smaller, it's part of its charm. While both are nice they aren't "rich" people houses, the other rental ones are normal and average around a 1000 sq feet, filled with mostly cheaper furniture because, they are rentals. My old house in NJ was nice but after 15 years being rented it too needs work and we're going to turn that into an upscale airbnb hopefully by next year. It isn't about being rich or mocking you, because I'm not "rich" it's about my belief that you should own a place to capture back some of your housing costs and personal example of how equity rises quickly and if you can manage carrying costs real estate is good for making your life comfortable. You've explained why that isn't for you and that's OK, for you, naturally I think you're wrong and the same way I said with SSDI, if you made a lot of money start taking back what you put in if your illness is really so disabling as to make owning a house impossible. Pardon me for not staying in character and calling you a lazy nigger lol. I was only sharing information that I thought would be helpful for you. Why that becomes a fight is beyond me. You have to do what's best for you, but many people confuse the complexities they may face with making some things impossible to do. In your case I think you'd be better off following my advice, but I'm biased towards that. God bless you for at least trying despite being insane. Hurr durr hurr durr thems words that I don't here much that perfectly explain or define an item scare me. Fucking retard. You literally suggested that a well known term was unknown to me because you had no idea where it came from and you hinted at some nihilistic view of politics being pointless, why? So now you're admitting you spoke out of your ass or these things you speak of only the special people like you, really get and understand them. No shit for brains I was asking legitimately what have you done to either alter the political landscape or serve it. I did well in HS as well and I have a degree that I earned while working a full time job. I was just pointing out that you're the idiot that literally doesn't even understand the shit you're writing and and claims to be in possession of some esoteric knowledge. I thought maybe you served, worked in some constituency office, or did anything beyond watch youtube. Clearly you did not. What a shock lol. What an idiot, let me guess the world is a giant conspiracy and you possess the esoteric knowledge a dumb boomer doesn't lol. Meanwhile I traveled from day one across a closed border defied 2 nations, and worked against both sides and their statist bullshit. What did you do? DId you ever serve in the military? Have you ever been anything but a pussified gadfly? I doubt it. Jesus Christ already, big deal a few people become friends around a hobby, it's OK. Not everybody needs to play the gloomy, disaffected rebel that hates both the left and right and the active and passive members in lit crit. Grow up, we literally have spent weeks hurling insults and I'm beginning to think a few posters are "friends" of Pat not just brooding emo typs like @ChildSpitTake or @NoBaconEggCheese. Sue me if I'm wrong, but the forum is funnier when the focus is on the targets that it was created for, at least IMO. Now have at me, the fat, boomer, illiterate with the fat kids, who at least isn't broke like some of my biggest fans are lol.


No you dumb dumb it isn't being an insider, it's seeing fools that push there way into, to feel like insiders. Anybody on the outside with half a brain realizes you don't get involved. If the local mobster wants you to build a deck for his daughter you're not winning a "powerful" friend, you're earning a never ending series of asks that will make your life theirs. The fact that you think I'm claiming I posses some special insight is idiotic. It's just a thing that people see if they look for it. Retards go asking for "permission" to things nobody would even notice. The mafia nonsense is dead it's just a bunch of unemployable old wops that dropped out of High School who get approached by idiots who want to think they're in the Godfather or the Sopranos and they foolishly think giving these people access to their businesses gets them some sort of power, it just gets them broke and vampired for "favors". Own a deli, you'll be catering 40 events in 2 years that you lose money on and be having some old fat wop dropping in for lunch 5 times a month and putting on his account every time. Oh hell tip your employee a 20 once every 6 months to make sure the guy puts 3 Lbs of the meat you pay for on his sandwich that goes on his account he owes 500 bucks on in 2 years.These things happen regularly to retards that run around fantasizing about being mobsters, of which none really exist anymore. You know what happens when you don't pay you gambling debt after you've lost 50k in the past 2 years and you suddenly don't have that 2 grand this week? Nothing you get cut off and start paying a vig on it as loan and you can't gamble again. That's a worse penalty than being beaten up or killed. Then in a few months you get tax check and pay up and then you lose a few more K this time they limit the size of your wager. This stupid fantasy that mobsters are bad ass is long dead as reality. The very fact retards like you think I'm romanticizing that rather than pointing out pussies that chase that is proof of how many pussies chase it and how common it is for them to be scammed by regular dudes.I'm available on Sunday nights at 8 with a family? Where else would I be but home? Last night I was at my kids game from 6-8:30, then we went out for dinner until 10:30 or so and watched the Ranger game. Today I'm waiting on a contractor to come for an estimate, I will also go out and do my son's side throw and some long toss. You have been here 13 months less and made 825 posts so you have over 50% of the posts I do without any direct Pat contact posts or dealing with dozens of posts that are directed at you. Essentially you sit here for this nonsense. You are likely 367 lbs and shut in.... prove me wrong.EDIT: For fun I checked, you post about 72 times a month vs 117 for me, yet every idiot here knows me, and nobody knows you, but yea I post too much. I'm here for fun, you're here trying and nobody cares. Say what you will I make people laugh whether at me or with me, you're a suicide waiting to happen. No you retard I don't care, the point was my posts make people laugh therefore they make sense to post as opposed to wasting your time to score one on me. Great man you got me good, how will I survive you. Oh yea by being completely able to do just about anything I want and go anywhere I want on my own dime and enjoy it with my family..... poor me.In fairness, I can't just spectate and that's what last night was. I can free form much better than be asked for succinct comments. I'm the color(ed) commentator not the play by play guy even with friends. I have to agree with what you said because honestly I'm good at relating stories and I can do a punch line, but having 4 people on starts getting too NPR round table. None of that last night was what was intended, the guy died it changed the subject. Either or the podcast is funny when whoever is on relates back to forum shenanigans and I disagree that the Hildy guy isn't funny, he's a literal goldmine that we just need a key to unlock. Either way I just come here to laugh and we're not hysterical anymore with all the infighting. I don't give a shit about Dan's honor, he has a little barely listened to podcast that makes me laugh when it stays forum focused. I'm pretty sure from speaking to him he isn't mentally and ill and thinking he's the next Rogan, he's just adding content. I enjoy going on and laughing, so you don't like me that won't impact me in the least. I'm enjoying me life, I'm half exposed here, I could be fully exposed and nothing will change due to you. You on the other hand are likely a loser that can only focus on a few people here because you enjoy that. Keep it up, whatever makes you laugh is cool with me. Post them all Daddy Dan lol I simp for you because I want the "cache" of the 100 people who listen. How pathetic are these idiots. We've talked offline, you aren't seeking fame and fortune through a podcast for shitposters, but it seems that those that shitpost at others here feel left out at not being able to even be "forum famous". How fucking pathetic are they. Post their DMs I need to laugh. I don't have too, I can tell the "mob on the mind" types even from their posts. If Dan lets me I'll a few stories of idiots that literally busted up their own spots, on the podcast. You can then tell me about a Sopranos episode lol. How about instead of trying to turn it into crossfire we just free form it. There are dozens of topics we can discuss, not too many that can be formatted to a debate style. We could discuss the severe mental illness of @NoBaconEggCheese and have Bam explain the workings of severely ill mind while I suggest we euthanize him. Thinking about running over this weekend by myself. 3 people will be in 3 of them. I can spy on them and if a hot girl is any of them go sniff the toilet seats before they get cleaned. Is that of interest. The insurance is a bit more, but easier claims process on the traditional or so I've been told, because I never made a claim. Plus you have their aircover also. Because of that the only cameras on the rentals are the front and rear(on some of them) door cameras. I should install a few hidden ones though lol. That would be obvious by the races, but since she's insane how about she takes poison and I shoot her just to make it quicker. Hush child this pussy is not tough like me, I fight no rules and will just neutralize the judge child before he can order me to jail. Sure, I wouldn't bet on it. I don't stutter, but again let's hear your voice and see what you sound like. I want to place my left forearm across his neck with my right arm folded pressed on his right ear and the left hand grabbing the right elbow while the right hand thumb down pushes the rear of his neck into my left forearm and squeeze it until his purpled face and legs go slack. Not in minecraft or maybe in it, but the feeling of his life draining out would be a fun thing to experience. He is the worst living thing on earth. Do I stutter? Do I stammer? Am I some retard that can't speak on command? Coach is for classy people and made of leather it's what they're known for and their literally quality. Their wallets are awesome, Hermes bags are leather and as good at 50 times the price. Some of that other shit is plastic and if you're con concerned with carrying an overpriced thing like a Hermes bag to display something and you don't own a house or you claim you aren't seeking "forum fame" you're full of shit because you're seeking cache with your bags. Niggers really can be lead by the nose so easy. This why they thrive better in prisons and slavery they need structure. No I have a go bag which never leaves the car except to come in the house. This way if I use the other car or something I have my shit all in one place. For my kids stuff and mine. My wife has one too besides her purse. I think we have better topics than this lol. I do have a few questions for her to answer live. You should encourage Dutch fag Pat Reeky to call in and simp for her. Again, enjoy your apartment if that's what you want. Our own house is not mansion, our personal cottage is smaller, it's part of its charm. While both are nice they aren't "rich" people houses, the other rental ones are normal and average around a 1000 sq feet, filled with mostly cheaper furniture because, they are rentals. My old house in NJ was nice but after 15 years being rented it too needs work and we're going to turn that into an upscale airbnb hopefully by next year. It isn't about being rich or mocking you, because I'm not "rich" it's about my belief that you should own a place to capture back some of your housing costs and personal example of how equity rises quickly and if you can manage carrying costs real estate is good for making your life comfortable. You've explained why that isn't for you and that's OK, for you, naturally I think you're wrong and the same way I said with SSDI, if you made a lot of money start taking back what you put in if your illness is really so disabling as to make owning a house impossible. Pardon me for not staying in character and calling you a lazy nigger lol. I was only sharing information that I thought would be helpful for you. Why that becomes a fight is beyond me. You have to do what's best for you, but many people confuse the complexities they may face with making some things impossible to do. In your case I think you'd be better off following my advice, but I'm biased towards that. God bless you for at least trying despite being insane. Hurr durr hurr durr thems words that I don't here much that perfectly explain or define an item scare me. Fucking retard. You literally suggested that a well known term was unknown to me because you had no idea where it came from and you hinted at some nihilistic view of politics being pointless, why? So now you're admitting you spoke out of your ass or these things you speak of only the special people like you, really get and understand them. No shit for brains I was asking legitimately what have you done to either alter the political landscape or serve it. I did well in HS as well and I have a degree that I earned while working a full time job. I was just pointing out that you're the idiot that literally doesn't even understand the shit you're writing and and claims to be in possession of some esoteric knowledge. I thought maybe you served, worked in some constituency office, or did anything beyond watch youtube. Clearly you did not. What a shock lol. What an idiot, let me guess the world is a giant conspiracy and you possess the esoteric knowledge a dumb boomer doesn't lol. Meanwhile I traveled from day one across a closed border defied 2 nations, and worked against both sides and their statist bullshit. What did you do? DId you ever serve in the military? Have you ever been anything but a pussified gadfly? I doubt it. Jesus Christ already, big deal a few people become friends around a hobby, it's OK. Not everybody needs to play the gloomy, disaffected rebel that hates both the left and right and the active and passive members in lit crit. Grow up, we literally have spent weeks hurling insults and I'm beginning to think a few posters are "friends" of Pat not just brooding emo typs like @ChildSpitTake or @NoBaconEggCheese. Sue me if I'm wrong, but the forum is funnier when the focus is on the targets that it was created for, at least IMO. Now have at me, the fat, boomer, illiterate with the fat kids, who at least isn't broke like some of my biggest fans are lol.
Did boomia really write all that in one post? Hahaha


Day 1 of an old school no-sugars, no-carbs, only healthy fats diet. 6 small healthy meals/snacks day and a lean and green (6oz meat and salad) at night. Not drinking much alcohol at all, so to quit altogether is no big deal. Back to Sashimi, and NO FOOD AT ALL AFTER 8pm.

I’ve been feeling like ass since putting on 40lbs over the last 2 years…Lower back fucked up, can’t bend straight over to tie my sneakers without breathing hard, feels like I’m laying face first on a basketball if I try to get a tan on my fat ass…

A high weight of 250 today folks. It will only go down from here.

ANYONE CAN DO IT. Takes will power and the desire to feel healthy overriding the desire to eat food that tastes GREAT. I quit smoking and (backmin the day) blow…cold turkey. Just stopped at will.

If you follow this plan and get your body into “fat burning mode” (takes about 2 weeks of hardcore diet adjustment) WITH NO CHEATING…and the weight will fall off of you like a terminal AIDS patient.

(No offense AIDS patients….)

Goal- 210lbs…

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time.
You're supposed to write that shit AFTER you lose the weight. Not BEFORE.