Maybe even, fist you?





and her hair smells like red froot loops
What bugs me about this picture is it looks like he's blackout drunk. That's the frat boy who had too much to drink, trying to stumble to bed, but on the way some girl yells "picture!" and he joins the group shot. Then everyone sobers up and hahaha look at Dan, he's got no idea what's going on!

His eyes aren't even looking at the camera, they're in the general vicinity of the camera. He's looking at the hair of the photographer.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
What bugs me about this picture is it looks like he's blackout drunk. That's the frat boy who had too much to drink, trying to stumble to bed, but on the way some girl yells "picture!" and he joins the group shot. Then everyone sobers up and hahaha look at Dan, he's got no idea what's going on!

His eyes aren't even looking at the camera, they're in the general vicinity of the camera. He's looking at the hair of the photographer.

I was trying to figure out what was with that face, but you explained

That is a bloated drunk face