Mama Raven’s “handsome young man… so virile”





(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
That’s such a low-energy / low-T way to stand. He’s leaning on one leg because he’s obviously nervous, ends up looking like a sassy fat broad with the hand in the hip. You can see that he has no confidence in whatever shit he’s saying here. Guarantee his palms are sweaty and he was shaking like a fairy. I have spoken in public on many occasions. Jitters are normal, but I remember being told by a colleague to always plant yourself and project confidence. Don’t shift your weight, alternating from foot to foot, etc. what I’m getting at here is that this “pundit” and “comedian” is a fat coward who nobody will remember (except for us).


You will never see my penis
You know that he means it. He thinks of himself as handsome and presents that statement as a joke to appear humble. In his mind, people think: That funny hot guy doesn't even know how hot he is!

He's a fucking faggot is what I'm trying to say.
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