M.I.A ("Paper Planes" singer / rapper) surprisingly based


The Backbone of America
I remember seeing that movie twice in the theater. I was supposed to go with a girl I was dating at the time and she needed to do something and I ended up calling my buddy to go see it and we laughed quite a bit. I had to go see it again like 3 days later with my girl and still enjoyed it. It's the only movie I've seen twice like that. It holds a warm place in my heart and I consider it a good movie, for what it is. Now I hate Seth Rogen. Weird how that works.
My dad and I saw Triple X twice in the theater. I thought it was the most badass thing I'd ever seen. It's retarded.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
I always found it strange that the movie Pineapple Express featured this song in the trailer and made it pretty popular, but was nowhere in the actual movie. Not even played during credits or anything.
Fawk brotherman, you just made me realize something. I think it was the exact same situation with Far Cry 3 as well. Also very popular and featured the same song in the trailer but I don't remember it being in the game either.

It was the one with the "you know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"

Kinda reminds me of someone.