Luis was livestreaming during the NY earthquake

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.


Must have been a good one.


Reginald VelPenis
I've felt several earthquakes and just kind of went "huh, weird" and went on about my day. I always assumed something blew up and then would hear afterwards that it was an earthquake. It's never like an Encino Man earthquake. It's like a second or two where everything rumbles.

Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...
Nice survival instinct, stupid.
Puerto Rican survival instinct is to pull out a switch blade and stab the ground then fuck and jizz in the dirt puncture.

Nice phlegm ridden garbage vocal and coming in last of the three hack fest faggots you podcast with, stupid. Even "I'm such a run of the mill milquetoast kike that my name is Dave Smith" has a more successful stand up name and that's not saying Jack dry nigger nosed shit.


Same shit happened to me. My monitor started shaking but I'm sort of used to vibrations since I have a washing machine above me that rumbles my place but I noticed it was shaking more than usual and just thought I just never noticed that.