Louie just won a Grammy

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
it's like instead of a penis you had a 3rd tinier ball

So technically I guess he raped all of us


how does him winning an award make up anything to anyone but himself?

faggots are gonna seeth over anything anyway, so i dont care id they get mad about this award

the only feelings that matter are mine and i feel he should win nothing

he over played his hand and exposed himself, just like stanhope, and every other dude i thought had some integrity in the comedy business
Cool your jets, Nancy. Btw you’re sexy when you’re all riled up.

It makes it up to former fans like me that shook their head when weird hat GQ and ‘Moms get things done’ Louie started to get him really popular for all of the wrong reasons.

Louie calling trannies weirdos and fake bald head activists cunts was a nice reversion. It’s like here’s at least one (kinda) white man who sort of learned his lesson.

tl;dr I take it back from my previous tl;dr(s) That Slavic dude at the end of my apt floor most likely isn’t a drug dealer. That being said he’s most likely up to something