Louie just won a Grammy

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
it's like instead of a penis you had a 3rd tinier ball


Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I remember when

I remember when he came on O&A after he became successful and said "women have told me I have a nice dick". Someone find that clip because after that statement he became suspect in my book.
yeah i heard that one recently, i think it was a Patrice episode but maybe not
it just stuck out to me cause i've seen this tiny chode picture before


This almost makes up for his pre cancelled devolve into woke faggotry. If it offends the assholes he used to suck up to as much as it seems then let your tiny man cock fly, you rascally ginger Chicano.


This almost makes up for his pre cancelled devolve into woke faggotry. If it offends the assholes he used to suck up to as much as it seems then let your tiny man cock fly, you rascally ginger Chicano.
how does him winning an award make up anything to anyone but himself?

faggots are gonna seeth over anything anyway, so i dont care id they get mad about this award

the only feelings that matter are mine and i feel he should win nothing

he over played his hand and exposed himself, just like stanhope, and every other dude i thought had some integrity in the comedy business