Lotta fawwwkin problems over at Compound (interest) Media…

Sue Lightning





7th year…BBB reports…fraud accusations…PERFECT BUSINESS !!

Sue Lightning

I want to listen to music. I sign up for spotify and it’s $10 a month. I get access to basically every song and podcast on Earth completely ad free. 2 days before my sub expires I get a notification reminding me so I cancel, an extremely simple process. The sub expires, i’m not charged, and my access is taken away. Before I leave they ask me to rate the app.

I want to listen to Anthony Cumia. I sign up for Compound Media and it’s 10$ a month. I get access to the Anthony Cumia show with ads. The app doesn’t work. The RSS feed doesn’t work. The website doesn’t work. The archive doesn’t work. 2 days before my sub expires i’m charged for another month despite cancelling. I can’t find the end subscription button and not even sure there is one. I email the company and all they ask me is why i’m cancelling. After pestering them they tell me it’s cancelled and i’m still charged except now I can’t even watch the content i’m not choosing to pay for. I finally find the cancel subscription button. I am still charged. I have to call my credit card company to put in a fraud claim.


Sue Lightning

This shit has been happening for years. His whole business plan relies on people forgetting to cancel or making too convoluted to actually cancel.
The fact that he doesn’t even give an option to remove your payment method is fucking devious. This motherfucker probably has a spreadsheet of CC info he’s gonna start using when he goes broke.


I want to listen to Anthony Cumia. I sign up for Compound Media and it’s 10$ a month. I get access to the Anthony Cumia show with ads. The app doesn’t work. The RSS feed doesn’t work. The website doesn’t work. The archive doesn’t work. 2 days before my sub expires i’m charged for another month despite cancelling. I can’t find the end subscription button and not even sure there is one. I email the company and all they ask me is why i’m cancelling. After pestering them they tell me it’s cancelled and i’m still charged except now I can’t even watch the content i’m not choosing to pay for. I finally find the cancel subscription button. I am still charged. I have to call my credit card company to put in a fraud claim.
I want to listen to Anthony Cumia. I'm morbidly obese. My family stopped speaking with me a long time ago. It's the lib's fault and not mine. I hate it when blacks do crime but I worship the mafia. I sent money to Donald Trump and own Trump merch. I will stroke out and die alone with shit in my pants.

Sue Lightning

I hate it when blacks do crime but I worship the mafia.
Fucking lol. I’ve had this thought for a while so i’m using your comment to shoehorn this point. Italians will glorify the Mafia and then criticize black gangs. “BUT OUR THING HAD HONOR…” sure it did. “RESPECT YA MUDDA AND WOMEN…UNLESS ITS YOUR WIFE THEN YOU GO FUCK YOUR GOOMAH!!” They act like stray bullets from a mafioso never hit a baby or an old women. Like they didn’t do hits in public places. “BUT THE NEIGHBAHOOD WAS SO SAFE BACK DEN” Yeah for the Italians you fucking idiot. And if you didn’t follow the rules the punishment was a good gang beating on the sidewalk. That’s how civilized societies should work.

Italians aren’t even a step above niggers. They’re right next to them. But at least niggers had the excuse of being slaves and not being able to read.