You’re wrong, everything is so sick and distorted now they will have their cake and eat it too.
They’ll make themselves exempt so it’s only men, (or certainly only men in combat roles) but they’ll never drop the feminist victim shtick either.
The entire US government is operated by alien foreign interests for malicious intents and they hate the natives they are ruling over. They will put your children into a world of meaningless sexual perversion where they have no jobs to hold, no prospects, no ability to own anything meaningful, no privacy or autonomy - where they’re told they are destroying the climate by eating healthy food or travelling anywhere. They will stick them full of harmful vaccines and send them to die in immoral pointless wars. They’ll destroy their culture, heritage and even remove their likeness from the genetic pool of humanity so nobody will look like them anymore.
I mean, fuck, they are mutilating their bodies and removing their God given identities and telling them it’s bigoted to even resist. They’re allowed to get used as pedophile sex dolls as well because that’s just progress sweetie.
They’ll do all this, and still they will go along with it and consider any opposition as evil and foolish. The parents don’t care, the grandparents certainly don’t give a fuck, boomers had to be reminded they had children every night after the news “do you know where your children are?” - just as long as they get to watch porn, play video games and eat slop they’re happy and will tell everyone it’s never been better.
Praise Christ, it’s all meant to happen and you need to find joy in suffering to fulfil your purpose. Don’t comply, just proclaim the Lord is holy, almighty, who was and is, and is to come.